2005-11-30: Human SCINT Seminar (12)
Poster Mihoko Otake Registed 2005-12-25 22:29 (1687 hits) Date: 2005.11.30 (Tue) 13:00-14:15 Place: General Research Building, Room 663 Speaker: Atsushi Niida Title: Integrative bioinformatics analysis of transcriptional regulatory network of colorectal cancer Keywords: colorectal cancer, Wnt, transcription factor Affiliation: Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Science,
Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Position: Graduate Student Adviser: Tetsu Akiyama, Laboratory of Molecular and Genetic Information Disciplines: molecular biology, bioinformatics, systems biology Societies and Conferences: The Molecular Biology Society of Japan Bibliography: Atsushi Niida, Analysis of transriptional gene regulatory network in colorectal cancer, Human Science Integration Seminar Abstracts, No. 12, pp. 1, 2005. (Please use this bibliography when you cite this abstract.) Abstract: Molecular biology have identified many onco-genes and tumor suppressor genes and proved that many of them acts as components in signaling pathways which regulates higher order functions like proliferation, differentiation, and development. Cancer is a disease caused by mutations of components named genes, which leads to the deregulation of the intracellular information processing system. In the first part of this seminar, I will review the knowledge obtained to date by reductive approach of molecular biology in the field of cancer and signal transduction research, especially focusing colorectal cancer and Wnt signaling pathway and discuss the limitation posed by the conventional approach. In the second part, I will present the result of analysis of transcriptional regulatory network of colorectal cancer with integrative bioinformatics, which I‘m challenging as the alternative to overcome the limitation of the conventional approach. References: (Missing items are literatures in Japanese) [2] Gregorieff, A., & Clevers, H., Wnt signaling in the intestinal epithelium: from endoderm to cancer, Genes Dev., 2005, 19, 877-90 [3] Kawasaki, Y. et al., Asef, a link between the tumor suppressor APC and G-protein signaling, Science, 2000, 289, 1194-7 [4]. Fearon, E. R and Vogelstein, B., A genetic model for colorectal tumorigenesis, Cell, 1990, 61, 759-767. [5] Special Issue: Systems Biology, Science, 2002, 295, 1661-82 [6] Chipping forecast III, Nature genetics, 2002, Vol 32, Issue 4s [7] Ureta-Vidal,A et al., Comparative genomics: genome-wide analysis in metazoan eukaryotes, Nature Reviews Genetics, 2003, 4, 251-262 [8] Chipping forecast III, Nature genetics, 2005, Vol 37, Issue 6s [9] ENCODE Project Consortium, The ENCODE (ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements) Project, Science, 2004, 306,636-40 [10] Ueda, R.H. et al., System-level identification of transcriptional circuits underlying mammalian circadian clocks, Nature genetics, 37, 187-192 [11] Lamb, J. et al., A Mechanism of CyclinD1 Action Encoded in the Pattern of Gene Expression in Human Cancer, Cell, 2003, 114, 323-34 [12] Stormo, G.D., DNA binding sites: representation and discovery, bioinformatics, 2000, 16, 16-23 [13] McLachlan, G.J. et al., Analyzing Microarray Gene Expression Data (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics), Wiley-Interscience, 2004 [14] Xie, X, et al., Systematic discovery of regulatory motifs in human promoters and 3’UTRs by comparison of several mammals, Nature, 2005, 434, 338-45 |