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Human SCINT Session in CODATA06 - Announcements - News
Announcements : Human SCINT Session in CODATA06
Posted by Mihoko Otake on 2006/10/24 15:30:00 (5768 reads)

The organized sessions "Human Science Integration and its Synthetic Research Methodology (1) and (2)" were held during the 20 th International CODATA Conference (CODATA06) in Beijing 23-25 October, 2006.
Selected members of the Human SCINT community were the starting members of the sessions.

The purpose of this organized session is to embody research community and knowledge base towards human science integration, through encouraging interaction among researchers of different research fields related to human science and technology.
We discussed how we can integrate human science so that we can solve the problem of human i.e., diseases, disorders and improve our daily life.
The series of sessions were great success.

- Main Menu -> Seminars -> CODATA06
- The 20 th International CODATA Conference (CODATA06)
- CODATA, The Committee on Data for Science and Technology

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