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Visit Visual Prosthesis to Assist Natural Healing Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/11/4 21:51
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Bibliography: Tohru Yagi, Masami Watanabe, Toshiharu Mukai, Visual Prosthesis to Assist Natural Healing, In Proceedings of the 20th CODATA International Conference, pp. 206, 2006.

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Visit Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) neuroimaging ... Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/11/4 21:52
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Bibliography: Takeo Kondo, Ippeita Dan, Sotaro Shimada, Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) neuroimaging for infants, people with disabilities, and healthy adults: advantages and problems. In Proceedings of the 20th CODATA International Conference, pp. 106, 2006.

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Visit Reorganization of the brain Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/11/4 21:54
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Bibliography: Hirokazu Takahashi, Reorganization of the brain. In Proceedings of the 20th CODATA International Conference, pp. 160, 2006.

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Visit Hypothesis of Neural Information Flow about Acupuncture Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/11/4 21:55
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Bibliography: Ling Yin, Xianglan Jin, Tong Li, Hypothesis of Neural Information Flow about Acupuncture. In Proceedings of the 20th CODATA International Conference, pp. 112-113, 2006.

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Visit Concept of mind and brain in traditional Chinese medicine Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/11/4 21:56
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Bibliography: Kaoru Sakatani, Concept of mind and brain in traditional Chinese medicine. In Proceedings of the 20th CODATA International Conference, pp. 67-68, 2006.

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Visit Cardiac cells in vitro -contruction and intracellular Ca dynamics Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/11/4 21:57
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Bibliography: Ozaki T., Morimoto K., Kurashima T., Takayama Y., Jimbo Y., Cardiac cells in vitro -contraction and intracellular Ca dynamics-. In Proceedings of the 20th CODATA International Conference, pp. 57, 2006.

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Visit Multiscale Neural Simulation Platform for Sharing and Integrating Neuroscience Knowledge Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/11/4 21:58
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Bibliography: Mihoko Otake and Toshihisa Takagi, Multiscale Neural Simulation Platform for Sharing and Integrating Neuroscience Knowledge. In Proceedings of the 20th CODATA International Conference, pp. 137-138, 2006.

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Visit Knowledge Reuse and Community Integration: A Semantic Web of Neuroscience Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/11/4 21:58
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Bibliography: John Wilbanks, Knowledge Reuse and Community Integration: A Semantic Web of Neuroscience. In Proceedings of the 20th CODATA International Conference, pp. 124, 2006.

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Visit The 20 th International CODATA Conference (CODATA06) Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/11/4 22:03
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The 20 th International CODATA Conference marks the 40 th Anniversary of CODATA in Beijing during 23-25 October, 2006.
The conference, aptly titled “Scientific Data and Knowledge within the Information Society,” addresses issues such as fair and equitable access to data, data archiving, data protection and data security– to name but a few of the issues that will be touched upon.
Science has never relied more heavily on the collection, management and dissemination of data, and CODATA's task to contribute to all aspects of data, from preservation to sharing and value extraction and addition, will be addressed at this International Conference.

Contributed Sessions on Human Science Integration and its Synthetic Research Methodology was held during the conference.

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Visit Scientific Program of The 20 th International CODATA Conference Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/11/4 22:04
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Scientific Program of The 20 th International CODATA Conference

Contributed Sessions on Human Science Integration and its Synthetic Research Methodology was held during the conference.

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