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Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Last Update 2005/12/26 1:31
The University of Tokyo's Komaba Campus is unique among Japan's colleges. At this Campus, all students entering the University of Tokyo spend their first two years, exploring the various possibilities of the major fields they will choose. The Campus also has an upper division liberal arts major and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The Junior Division for first and second year students and the Senior Division for third and fourth year students compose the College of Arts and Sciences, which has been the leader in Japan's liberal arts education since 1949. Especially since the 1990's when most national universities dismantled their liberal arts programs, the College's importance has been increasing more and more. In addition, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, featuring an educational and research system covering both the Humanities and Sciences, is noted for its new interdisciplinary research combined with its careful attention to more traditional disciplines.
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Graduate School of Education, Faculty of Education
Last Update 2005/12/26 1:16
We like to think of humans as an entities constantly looking for improvement and growing through social experience and cultural interactions among themselves. A simple categorization of humans is not the scope of the educational sciences. In the Graduate School of Education with undergraduate courses, the six courses attempt to increase the understanding of human behavior. Once you look into these areas, you will realize that these areas are related to each other. Therefore, we offer students the freedom to take classes in each course.
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Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Last Update 2005/12/26 0:53
The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (Independent School) was established in 1998, in cooperation with all of the current departments of the University of Tokyo. Designed as a graduate program solely for Masters and Doctoral candidates, this program is made up of the Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences, the Division of Biosciences, the Division of Environmental Studies, and the Department of Computational Biology. Each of these areas has the common feature of focusing research and education on the frontiers of conventional disciplines.
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Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Last Update 2005/12/26 1:20
Pharmaceutical Sciences by definition is an academic field that covers development of pharmaceuticals and their applications. The field encompasses fundamental, life-related substances and their interactions with life. The mission of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Tokyo is to achieve the highest standard in academic research as well as in training and educating the future leaders of pharmaceutical sciences through the world-class research activities at both undergraduate and graduate levels. With this mission, our undergraduate and graduate schools aim not only to promote development of basic life sciences, but also to contribute to the development of new drugs in the pharmaceutical industries. And furthermore, we pursue development of clinical studies at medical institutions, contribution to governmental policies on medical and pharmaceutical affairs, and contribution to our society by supporting extensively the pharmaceutical specialists and pharmacists.
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Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering (RACE)
Last Update 2005/12/26 1:06
RACE was established in 1992. After the first decade, RACE was newly reorganized into four new research divisions: Life Cycle Engineering, Service Engineering, Digital Value Engineering, and Co-Creation Engineering. Ever since the establishment, RACE has challenged to solve the problems of "Modern Evils in manufacturing artifacts", and has achieved activities to pursue new methodologies to create unprecedented relationship among human, artifacts and its environment without shackling conventional methodologies.
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School of Engineering
Last Update 2005/12/26 1:03
The School of Engineering is a large organization with some 1000 members of faculty and some 2700 graduate students, and undertakes a variety of educational and research activities, with dramatic and intellectually stimulating initiatives continually unfolding.
The School of Engineering consists of nineteen departments, one adjunct research institute, two adjunct centers, and an administration office. The School is responsible for graduate level education (master's and doctoral courses and degrees) in engineering. Faculty members also engage in research activities in their respective specialties while teaching graduate level courses.
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School of Science
Last Update 2005/12/26 1:29
In 1877, The University of Tokyo was founded consisting of four Faculties (Law, Science, Literature and Medicine). The Faculty of Science consisted of eight Departments. The Koishikawa Botanical Gardens attached to the Faculty of Science. In 2001, The Graduate School of Science consists of six departments, Physics, Astronomy, Earth and Planetary Science, Chemistry, Biophysics and Biochemistry, and Biological Sciences.
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