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WRAPS module released  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/5/17 3:48) 
I've just released WRAPS as the first release of Dupliacatble V3 module.This is a little module for page wrapping.http://www.peak.ne.jp/xoops/md/mydownloads/singlefile.php?lid=75files of *.html and *.html will be sandwitched between XOOPS header and XOOPS footer.The other files will be sent with proper"Content-Type"s.Since all files are checked by XOOPS core, you can control user's accesses per each groups easily.I guess this module might be the first module using dynamic module icons. ;-)
dividing mymenu  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/5/16 3:58) 
I'll divide mymenu two in Duplicatable V3 (D3) module.(1) displaying menu top of the admin area (pure mymenu)(2) modifying preferences (mypreferences)Each D3 module has mymenu.php in XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/trustdirname/admin/ for (1).If necessary, mymenu displays links for myblocksadmin, mytplsadmin, and mypreferences (2).mypreferences will be placed in XOOPS_TRUST_PATH as a library.- mypreferences- mytplsadmin- myblocksadminThey will be released as"altsys"(Alternative System Library).The place is XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/libs/altsys/
polimorphism of module  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/5/15 3:24) 
No english contents, sorry.
XOOPS_TRUST_PATH  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/5/14 5:21) 
No english contents, sorry.
Duplicatable V3  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/5/13 6:13) 
sorry. no english contents.
redundant id in XOOPS  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/5/11 11:27) 
Redundant IDs are well used in XOOPS.for example, newbb makes such URL.[url=http://jp.xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=3656&forum=18&post_id=48548#forumpost48548]viewtopic.php?topic_id=3656&forum=18&post_id=48548#forumpost48548[/url]But, both forum(forum number=18) and topic_id(topic number=3656) are useless informations.The only valid ID is post_id(post number=48548).There are no topic number=3656 nor post number=48548 in forum number=18.There are no post number=48548 in topic number=3656.Such redundant ID makes bad effects like this:- lost unique nature of the URLAppending redundant (nonsense) query variables makes URL increase like arithmatic series.This is serious problem against SEO.- cause mistakes around privileges etc.This is the true reason of newbb's bug.http://www.peak.ne.jp/xoops/md/news/article.php?storyid=98However, there are many modules create such redundant URLs.Why?I think the reason is for XOOPS core feature like notifications etc.for examle, I light th ...
newbb origined bugs  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/5/10 13:09) 
I've just found many bugs around access controlling in *newbb*.-- a moderator can moderate any forums-- anyone can post into any locked topics-- anyone can read any posts in the private forumsThough this is not"vulnerabilities", it might be a problem if you rely *newbb*'s access controlling system.I've just fixed in xhnewbb.But there are many modules other than xhnewbb based on newbb.If you are a developer of such a module, check it please.
Free Layout of center parts (Modified)  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/5/9 10:43) 
Reference:http://www.peak.ne.jp/xoops/md/news/article.php?storyid=63With Smarty 2.6.12 (XOOPS 2.0.14JP etc), the theme will be notified some Warnings.The codes are should be modified like this.
XC Developers Ring  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/5/7 5:57) 
I've just participated XC Developers Ring.Current Ring:(japanese)minahito -> Tom_G3X -> Ryuji -> nobunobu -> (GIJOE) -> minahito(english)minahito -> (GIJOE) -> minahitoIf you want to crawl japanese ring, click japanese flag once :-)
gticket2 released  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/5/6 4:50) 
A ticket/token class named XoopsGTicket is updated.In the version named gticket2, repost form will be opened if ticket error occurrs.This feature must reduce user's stresses.:-)The usage of gticket2 is almost the same as gticket.- include_once include/gtickets.php- add hidden into your form- add check() into your transactionform side with XoopsForm:[code]$form = new XoopsThemeForm( ... );$GLOBALS['xoopsGTicket']-> addTicketXoopsFormElement( $form , __LINE__ , 1800 ,'(your area name)') ;[/code]form side with plain HTML:[code]$xoopsGTicket-> getTicketHtml( __LINE__ , 1800 ,'(your area name)')[/code]transaction side:[code]if ( ! $xoopsGTicket-> check( true ,'(your area name)') ) {redirect_header(XOOPS_URL.'/',3,$xoopsGTicket-> getErrors());}[/code]If an error occurs in cheking the ticket,"repost form"is displayed automatically.If you don't want to display"repost form", call check() like this.[code]if ( ! $xoopsGTicket-> check( true ,'(your area name)', false ) ) {redirect_header(XOOPS_URL ...

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