Free Xoops Design Sd-079-PurPur
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/2/4 17:52)
Sinnedesign is happy to present the new FREE XOOPS Theme with the name Sd-079-PurPur . The Free - Theme is Sponsored by sTravel . - Thanks! Here can you find the - XOOPS 2.4 Theme Demo - XOOPS 2.5 Theme Demo . And here is the FREE - Download Xoops Theme Sd-079-PurPur . And here is the direct Download - Link (without registration) Have Fun with the new Free XOOPS - Theme and Nice Weekend.
Webcams 1.09
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/2/4 17:07)
Webcams 1.09 Webcam chat rooms with free, group and private chat! Sponsored by This was a module I formed over a few days it is a remake of the busines example from eSensual Networks which is in the process of rebadging to iStreaming Networks. Currently there is no payment option with this module, it is freely distrubuted and you can get test accounts from the company providing the server bandwidth and hardware. We have developed this in conjunction with David from iStreaming which means he has also requested an xPayment option as well which will be looked into over the next number of months. iStreaming offer a managed backend service for websites that want to provide for their members a high quality broadcast style video chat. Free and pay per minute rooms are supported. iStreaming service attaches to your existing website via a customizable video chat Player we provide. You can use Flash H264 video and Speex/MP3/HE-AAC audio or Windows Media video an ...
CKEditor 3.5.1 - Now Supporting JQuery!!
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/2/4 14:14)
CKEditor 3.5.1 Supports JQuery&Ajax This is CKEditor for XOOPS 2.5&and upgrade for 2.4, in the orginal release the jquery adapter was never implemented which meant it was not possible to use JSON or AJAX to retrieve or set the value of the editor with Javascript. This is CKEditor 3.5.1 with JQuery Support, You can read here for more information on this. Simply replace the files in your existing 2.4 series or upload to XOOPS 2.5 and you should have CKEditor 3.5.1 running all fine. This was developed for formuss who could never find a way of using JQuery with the editor, I would like to congradulate him on his new bubba!! Download: - 743Kbs
Ajax File Uploading 1.01 - Form Object
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/2/4 14:14)
Ajax File Uploading 1.01 Form Object for XOOPS 2.4&XOOPS 2.5 This is a replace for the XoopsFile object that allows for files to be uploaded without refreshing the page. That means you can recieve a file before the form is submitted. This is good for any preview environment that offers a wide range of options for the environment where you are recieving the file. If a file is successfully uploaded the form object returns a path and filename for the file. This was made from this example: Download: - 17.7Kb
WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter # 40 (January 2011)
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/2/1 22:20)
WOX - World Of Xoops Welcome to the January 2011 issue of WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter - our first in 2011! (see here previous versions ) Official Alpha 1 of the Xoops Engine Released! This year we'll be celebrating 10th Anniversary of XOOPS, so it's a great way to start off with the official Alpha 1 release of the Xoops Engine - our"next generation"architecture for XOOPS! Xoops Engine, as the new brand name for this new architecture, supports open and extensible engines with its multi-engine design. As for now there are three engines available: - Xoops : the official engine with new architecture utilizing Zend Framework as the primary library and Smarty as the default view templating engine, as well as some third-party libraries like jQuery . Demo will be hosted on ; - Lite : a lite version of the'Xoops'Engine with no MySQL required, aimed for high performance scenarios; - Le ...
Xim 1.02 final
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/2/1 21:44)
Finally Andrax and Culex have decided to release XIM (XOOPS Instant Messenger). The module started as individual messengers, Andrax(XIM)&Culex (Instant Messenger) but as the 2 was working to do almost the same, ended up as a teamwork to add as many features to the project as possible. After some difficulties and a LOT of tweaking, modifying, debugging and testing, we now feel it is ready to share with Xoops Community, officially that is. Description XIM is an instant messengerá la facebook/gmail messenger. Originally it was made to look exactely like facebook messenger, but sometimes design takes a different route, besides this is for xoops and not facebook so styling is in small areas different but in all, it works in same way. Frontend.: It features a small block or a footer bar to show all online users. When clicked on the name the messenger window opens. The messenge box accepts xoops codes and smilies, and will in the chatwindow show your avatar with your messages and the othe ...
News Headlines Hack
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/2/1 21:39)
For news headlines hack... Add the php code to mark it as private as a block Code: image for the path modules/news/images/pointer.gif Demo: Team Xoops-Tr
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/1/31 4:30)
Hello everyone, This is my first collaboration for Xoops. XDfriend theme is very different from what can be found in Xoops themes, I wanted it to have an index page or the blocks can be displayed and organized as we would like for it I used Smarty Xoops . The main points of this theme: - Organization and position of the blocks on the index pages according to your wishes. - Background of each change for each module - Integration of the slider just to the index page is no longer active in other pages - Horizontal menu entirely in CSS 3 - Display number of private messages received in the user menu The theme is compatible with Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome, Safari
ExtGallery 1.09 ( RC )
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/1/30 23:18)
After some bug fix in beta version , ExtGallery 1.09 RC ready for test. This version development by: dnprossi , voltan , goffy , and some code by Mage and Burning . Please check changelog.txt for see all changes, and you can download module from here
US$9.99 for 7 Premium Themes, and Half of the Proceeds Will be Donated to XOOPS
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/1/29 3:27)
To celebrate the Chinese New Year, year of rabbit, as well as the release of XOOPS Engine Alpha, I decide to run a bundle sale. You can get all premium themes from for only US$9.99 , which is originally $31 . And half of the proceed will be donated to XOOPS under your name . The sale is from 29/1/2011 to 8/2/2011. For details and purchase, please refer to the dedicated website: And hereby, I want to wish everyone a happy Chinese new year (??????!)