Fala Love'a - New site based on XOOPS
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2009/10/17 0:40)
I would like to show you my new work - website of my weimaraners kennel. Hope you enjoy it. link to the site falalovea.com It is based on: XOOPS 2.33 PL new 1.63 content 1.25 xfGuestbook 2.5 amcontact 0.08 Regards Kriss
XOOPS Theme - Knights of the ASCII
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2009/10/15 20:00)
Knights of the ASCII Hey here is a theme I designed over an hour or so, it is called - Knights of the Ascii Table, you know when unsantized clients of software or even the computer don't and shouldn't sit in front of such a theme.. Download 3 - column: xoops2-theme-knightsofascii.zip (6 Mbs) (Header PSD Included!!) Quote: I thought I would publish some news about it, I think there should be more boot added to the computer and a promotion for people like sir. richard branson and others to be assigned ascii characters for navigating all this data by foot and keying on telephanist systems.
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2009/10/15 14:00)
X-SOAP 4.22 - SOAP SERVER What is SOAP? SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a way for a program running in one kind of operating system (such as Windows 2000) to communicate with a progam in the same or another kind of an operating system (such as Linux) by using the World Wide Web's Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)and its Extensible Markup Language (XML) as the mechanisms for information exchange. Since Web protocols are installed and available for use by all major operating system platforms, HTTP and XML provide an already at-hand solution to the problem of how programs running under different operating systems in a network can communicate with each other. SOAP specifies exactly how to encode an HTTP header and an XML file so that a program in one computer can call a program in another computer and pass it information. It also specifies how the called program can return a response. What Can It Do for Me? You can link with any soap-compliant system with comp ...
Compounds 1.96
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2009/10/15 14:00)
Compounds 1.96 Compounds is a module for xoops 2.4&2.3. It utilizes some of the new features like decimal and floating point precision numbers to allow your end used to build compounds in XOOPS. A Compound is a combination of chemical periodical movements that allows for building larger chemical soups from. The idea of this module is to generate a soup kitchen for compounds, see chemists don't have blogs they have what is called a soup and compounds is a component of this for your XOOPS Site. If you would like to see a demonstration of this module goto my wifes site - www.chemical-reaction.biz. The compounds module allows for dynamic building of alloys, cyclonic changes, isolinear particles and other forms of compounds. It has a dynamically assigned system and uses a symbolisation method to define display. I wrote this module over a few days a week or so ago when I had no internet due to the bill. No chemical resources books or any have been used, the only chemistry b ...
VidShop 1.53
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2009/10/15 14:00)
VidShop 1.53 VidShop is a video or binary shop that allow embedded video from external sources like youtube to be associated with binary downloads. The download are normally store in another directory of the .htaccess protected space known as the XOOPS_VAR_PATH. You will have to create a directory for your binaries off'xoops_data' as for example /home/ursite/xoops_data/downloads of course you can set this location as you please. The download section is a controlled section that allows for total count and day limited cleaning, that is removal of the purchase items if the download counter is maximized from clickiness. If you would like to download VidShop please do so from: Download: http://bin.chronolabs.org.au/xoops2.4_vidshop_1.53.zip Whats New * WSDO Fixed on Empty Install * Redirects in Admin Fixed
VJ Mixes 1.09
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2009/10/15 14:00)
VJ Mixes 1.09 VJ Mixes is a simple module developed for embedded video from online sources, it is a basic and easy to use module for development of an online resource of video's based in category. It is written primarily for XOOPS 2.3 and XOOPS 2.4 but should also work on earlier versions. This module was developed for Bee Unlimited a popular UK Animated video site. Which is also in the process of moving to new services - But if you want to you can use this module which was written recently over the last couple of days for Gaz from www.bee-unlimited.co.uk. Download: http://bin.chronolabs.org.au/xoops2.4_vjmixes_1.09.zip Whats New * The new version has the WSDO * redirects fixed.
FREE Xoops Theme Sd-053-Baby
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2009/10/14 23:10)
Sinnedesign is happy to present the new FREE XOOPS Theme with the name Sd-053-Baby-Theme . Here can you find the XOOPS Theme Demo and here is the free Download Xoops Theme Sd-053-Baby . Have Fun with the Theme
NightQuest Software launches!
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2009/10/13 22:10)
After a while of testing, we're ready to fully launch the NightQuest Software website. On our site, we're using several techniques we hadn't used before: jQuery (in XOOPS 2.3.3), making it possible to use a lightbox (we've chosen for Slimbox).
DSL Site with XOOPS
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2009/10/13 0:10)
Hi XOOPS Friends, I'm pleased to announce that our DSL Site is launched with XOOPS-2.3.3. I have build the site of base on the XoRewrite Module and SimplyWiki. The Clean Urls structur looks like: (example) Kabel Deutschland Internet http : //dsl.webmystar.de/anbieter/kabeldeutschland and T-Home DSL http : //dsl.webmystar.de/anbieter/t-home If you have questions about the structure, feel you free and ask me. The Site use the follow XOOPS Modules: - simplywiki - protector - mysearch - altsys - pico - sitemap I hope you like the site and take a look in our Sitemap . Have Fun and happy XOOPsing.
New site in beta - www.nonprofitlocal.com
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2009/10/9 8:00)
Hi, everyone - I'm pleased to announce that we just recently launched a beta version of our new site, Nonprofit Local . This our second xoops site, following Pluff Mud Connect . Programming was done by Simon Roberts of Chronolabs (wishcraft), Marc-Andre Lanciault, and Ted Schaefer , our own personal Code Pirate. Site design was done by Fernando De La Pava at XoopsDesign . We're grateful for the talent and contributions of each of you! Modules include: System 2.0 Liaise 1.25 CBB 3.08 News 1.63 Private Messaging 1.0 User Profile 1.52 Protector 3.22 WF-Channel 2.05 Wordpress for Xoops 2.05 Tips 1.0 (custom designed for us by Inbox International) Screenshot is below. We'd love your feedback! --Laura Deaton