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XOOPS 2.4.0 Beta 2 Is Released  from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)  (2009/9/7 12:40) 
After over 25,000 downloads of XOOPS 2.3.3 in five months, the XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.4.0 Beta 2 . This release includes many bugfixes and user experience improvements, done by XOOPS Core Development Team and XOOPS community. New in Beta 2 (in addition to bug fixes): ------------------------------------------- * Admin GUI's are now using a theme factory, modules can make use of $xoTheme and $xoopsTpl (trabis) * Preload system, modules can now respond to system events (trabis) * Support for PHP 5.3 (trabis) * jquery support. If you need to use jquery.js, please use $xoTheme-> addScript('browse.php?Frameworks/jquery/jquery.js'); (trabis/phppp) Some of the new/changed areas in Beta 1: ---------------------------------------- - profile and pm modules improved by dhcst/wishcraft - installer improved by dugris and marco, etc. - theme improved by mamba, aph3x, kris and burning - tinymce editor improved by dugris and luciorota - snoopy cl ...
Defacer 1.0 Final  from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)  (2009/9/7 8:30) 
I'm pleased to release Defacer 1.0 Final. Defacer is a new revolutionary XOOPS module that allows you to change themes, metadata and permissions for any given page on the XOOPS-based Website, thus giving you a level of control and customization not seen before. It also comes with jgrowl redirection system (XOOPS 2.4 only) and the ability of using blocks anywhere in your theme and templates(XOOPS 2.4 only) Requirements ==================== Works in 2.4.x, xoops 2.3.x, xoops 2.2.x, xoops 2.0.18&up Others XOOPS versions were not tested. This version is PHP5 only . If you are using XOOPS version
FREE Design Sd-050-RedStreaks  from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)  (2009/9/7 1:50) 
I'm happy to present my new FREE XOOPS Theme Color variant with the name Sd-050-RedStreaks Theme . Here can you find the XOOPS Theme Demo and here is the free Download Xoops Theme Sd-050-RedStreaks . Have Fun and have a good day.
Story Web Site  from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)  (2009/9/6 6:10) 
Today, I have to tell you about my new website: a story web site. I call it small town in the story . Web site running on XOOPS2.3.3. Using the article, tag, pm, profile, plant, protector, sitemap module. At this point, I would like to thank the authors of the modules, and of BCOOL free theme! I worked hard every day on the website to make it more perfect to welcome your arrival, you are welcome to leave your valuable comments. URL : http://www.hunnuh.cn/
Xurl v1.1 available for download  from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)  (2009/9/4 3:30) 
Xurl We are very proud to announce version 1.1 of the XOOPS Xurl Module. Changes in this version: - Security issues have been taken care off - Added two new blocks - Added a block allowing your visitors to update their Twitter account right from your website! - The modules function has now been optimized for use in automatic e.g. forumposts. This way you can have all your forumpost be automatically scanned for URLs and they will be shortened as by your settings in Xurl. Currently CBB 3.08 is supported. For more information, have a look in our support forum. - The admin area has been expanded allowing you to view some stastics on shortened URLs Links View Xurl website | Xurl Support forum | Xurl Download | Xurl installation help
FREE XOOPS Theme Sd-051-Greenly  from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)  (2009/9/3 14:50) 
Sinnedesign is happy to present the new FREE XOOPS Theme with the name Design Sd-051-Greenly . Here can you find the XOOPS Theme Demo and here is the free Download Xoops Theme Sd-043-3D-GreenEffects . Thank you, i hope you have fun with the Theme.
Swayamsat.org - Self empowerment workshops  from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)  (2009/9/2 20:40) 
I am pleased to announce that swayamsat.org is created using xoops 2.3.3. Modules used: Altsys News Xoopscare simplywiki xforms protector smartsection 2.13 Tell a friend Defacer About Syawamsat: Its an organization dedicated to the mental, emotional and behavioral growth for individuals, couples, children, teens, families and Corporations for the advancement of their personal growth through education, intervention and guidance. In order to ensure the most effective results, Swayamsat offers a comprehensive range of workshops involving Hypnotherapy, Parenting, Goal accomplishment, Stress Management, Emotional empowerment and more... Website: http://swayamsat.org
Japan2 an entertainment Web site  from Xoops Content Management System CMS  (2009/9/2 17:20) 
Today, I am pleased to tell you about my new website www.japan2.cn It only took the following modules: pm,profile,protector,sitemap,tag and article. I would like to thank the authors of these modules, and of the theme4u. This is a Japanese entertainment news website .I am working hard every day, it has become better, more beautiful.while, we hope your visit will be like my little website
WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter # 24 (September 2009)  from Xoops Content Management System CMS  (2009/9/1 19:20) 
WOX - World Of Xoops W.O.X. - WORLD OF XOOPS #24 (September 2009) Welcome to the September 2009 issue of WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter   (see here previous versions )  As always, as the first thing in each newsletter we wanted to express our gratitude to all of you who have donated money to XOOPS Foundation ! We truly appreciate your trust and support!  This month we've seen two major developments - the development of new Theme for XOOPS Website, and testing of  XOOPS 2.4.0 Beta 1. Highlights of the last month: XOOPS Innovation Award - for people who create something very unique and innovative for XOOPS. This time the award goes to Cointin Maxime ( kraven_30 ) from France for his innovative work on his TDMCreate module   XOOPSer of the Month Award :  is given to XOOPS members who show extraordinary dedication to XOOPS, and go the extra mile for XOOPS. This month, we would like to recognize Joachim Liedtke ( Frankblack ...
Chordae Felicae with XOOPS-2.3.3  from Xoops Content Management System CMS  (2009/9/1 18:50) 
Today I would like to introduce you the website from our german Ensemble Chordae Felicae . I have build the site with XOOPS - 2.3.3 and the following XOOPS Modules: - Our Chor Blog with the News Module - Forum and Poll with the Newbb and umfrage Modules - The Gallery with the extgallery Modul. - The Calendar made with extcal - The Guestbook with the Casdedi - Module and many more XOOPS - Modules. I hope you like the Site. Regards, Your Sinnedesign

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