New xoops module Xsitemap by Urbanspaceman
from Xoops Content Management System CMS
(2009/8/22 3:00)
Hello! I'm happy to announce the release of beta verion of my first'from scratch' module XSITEMAP . It'was written and tested only on version 2.3.x of XOOPS, there are still adjustments to be done. (see changelog at the bottom of about page) I ask you kindly to try it and if you also want to do the translation. Publish the translations here on the forum. If you have failures or encounter some buga, write here on the forum (be good, is my first module). In the languages folder there are two folders, Italian and English. files within the folder English are still to be translated (are in Italian now). The module came with 9 plugin but is very simple made your own plugin. Download XSITEMAP from HERE Changelog: RELEASE: - Released the first version of the module XSITEMAP BETA. 22/08/2009 TO DO: - Check the XML functionality and to verify the compatibility with Google Sitemaps. - With some modules do not see the sublinks.
Security Patch for XOOPS 2.3.3
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/8/20 22:10)
As discussed previously in forums, there are potential vulnerabilities identified in: a) PM, Profile , and b) Protector modules. While (a) is addressed by having Protector installed, and (b) is addressed by having"register_globals"disabled and having XOOPS_TRUST_PATH outside of the Document Root, we've addressed the issues in XOOPS 2.4. However, since we don't know when exactly we'll release XOOPS 2.4, we're releasing this Security Patch for XOOPS 2.3.3 users. Download: SourceForge XOOPS . Installation: See the ReadMe.txt file You are highly encouraged to implement the patch to your existing XOOPS 2.3.3 system. Special thanks to Trabis, who addressed these issues.
Hispaxoops Themes Contest
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/8/19 3:40)
Hello everybody, we´re proud to announce our first contest"Themes with" Basically, we´re looking the best 3 themes you can do for Xoops&we give 3 nice gifts for winners. All info (in Spanish, we´ve translator) here
Xoops Theme Sd-049-Stone
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/8/18 7:20)
Sinnedesign is happy to present the FREE XOOPS - Theme with the name Theme Sd-049-Stone . Here can you find the XOOPS Theme Demo and here is the free Download Xoops Theme Sd-048-Smart-Red . Happy XoopSing.
My first fixed width theme for xoops
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/8/16 12:00)
My first fixed width theme for xoops did a quick job modified default theme. but will assure you there many more themes coming soon To download the theme please click below Cars fixed width theme
FREE Theme Sd-048-Smart-Red
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/8/13 9:50)
I'm happy to present you my new FREE XOOPS - Theme with the name Theme Sd-048-Smart-Red . Here can you find the XOOPS Theme Demo and here is the free Download Xoops Theme Sd-048-Smart-Red . Regards and have Fun.
Formulize 3.11 minor update released
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/8/12 12:10)
A few important issues and fixes have trickled in from the users of Formulize 3.1, so we have packaged them up and called it Formulize 3.11 . If you had problems getting 3.1 to save data, it might have been because of your version of MySQL, but we've got a fix for that in 3.11. If you couldn't save options when creating a selectbox or checkbox or radio button, it's because magic quotes is turned on by your web host, but we've got a fix for that too. There's many other fixes and a few behind-the-scenes improvements in this release. We hope the next announcement we make will be to show off exciting designs for the new admin interface for Formulize 4. Good luck with your sites and projects, --The Freeform Solutions Team
2 beta themes released
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/8/12 2:10)
As of couple of days ago, Acida Software has unfortunatly gone bankrupt. We have been able however to sell our excisting projects to a new team, which was founded by some of the ex-employees. This company is now called NightQuest Software. We have been able to get all of our projects back, including 2 XOOPS themes. These haven't been finished yet, but I'm releasing them now in the hope that someone can use it. I'll also try to solve all issues, and feel free to post if you find an error or issue in the theme. I'll do anything I can. As for me, I'm currently working for NightQuest. We'll continue our projects, but atm we will be waiting to release anything. Here are screenshots of both themes: Red_music: Unembellished: These themes aren't the usual XOOPS themes, and that's why I picked them. Both are ported from excisting themes. Download: Red_Music Unembellished Please add a link with my emailadress if you use this theme. NightQu ...
WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter # 23 (August 2009)
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/8/11 8:40)
WOX - World Of Xoops W.O.X. - WORLD OF XOOPS #23 (August 2009) Welcome to the August 2009 issue of WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter (see here previous versions ) As always, as the first thing in each newsletter we wanted to express our gratitude to all of you who have donated money to XOOPS Foundation ! We truly appreciate your trust and support! This month we've seen two major developments - the Theme Contest for new them for XOOPS Website, and new release of XOOPS, which has been released yesterday. Of course, we have high expectations for both of them, and hopefully they will bring a new energy to XOOPS. The interesting thing: in both we'll see the influence of Eduardo Cortés ( BitC3R0 ), our XOOPS Innovator for this month. Eduardo won the contest for XOOPS Theme , and the new default Admin Theme for XOOPS 2.4 is based on his EXM work. Congratulations to Eduardo! Also hard at work were Trabis and Wishcraft, getting ready with the XOOPS 2.4 ...
XOOPS 2.4.0 Beta 1 Is Released
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/8/10 15:10)
After over 25,000 downloads of XOOPS 2.3.3 in five months, the XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.4.0 Beta 1 . This release includes many bugfixes and user experience improvements, done by XOOPS Core Development Team and XOOPS community. Some of the areas: - profile and pm modules improved by dhcst/wishcraft - installer improved by dugris and marco, etc. - theme improved by mamba, aph3x, kris and burning - tinymce editor improved by dugris and luciorota - snoopy class upgraded by julionc - smarty upgraded by dhcst/trabis - bug tracker managed by marco - new Admin Theme"Oxygen"by Voltan Please remember: This release is ONLY for testing! Do NOT use it on productions sites. And if you're installing it over previous test installation, make a BACKUP first! Please also note that some hacks done for previous XOOPS versions might not work with this release: testing before installing is always a good choice Download it from Sourceforge repository ...