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Education site in Xoops  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/7/16 8:10) 
Hello! We're glad to announce the release of another Xoops site from Brazil. http://www.vidadeestudante.com.br Let's spread Xoops all around!
wb9.net works with xoops 2.3.3  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/7/16 8:06) 
Hi Xoops Comunity I'm happy to announce you that my website works with xoops 2.3.3 Modules: news Xoops Version: 2.3.3 www.wb9.net I want just to say"Thanks XOOPS!" And thanks for the support www.filmi-bg.net Have a nice day
FREE XOOPS Theme Sd-006-Yellow  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/7/16 8:02) 
Sinnedesign is happy to present the new color variant and FREE XOOPS - Theme with the name Design Sd-006-yellow . Here can you find the XOOPS Theme Demo and here is the free Download Xoops Theme Sd-006-Yellow . Have Fun.
New XOOPS Book published in Taiwan  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/7/15 14:00) 
Congratulations to Tad , who has just published a new book about XOOPS 2.3.x:   This is the newest book on XOOPS available in Chinese language, but there are many other publications: For more books about XOOPS in other languages, please visit here
BitC3R0 wins XOOPS Theme Competition  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/7/13 12:20) 
Congratulations to BitC3R0 who won the XOOPS Theme Competition for the next Theme for XOOPS Website. See the demo here But we also would like to congratulate Insraq and AxelF , who submitted their designs as well. All themes were fantastic, they all are looking very professional, and truly show what's possible with XOOPS! You can follow up in the discussion here
Formulize 3.1 goes Final!  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/7/13 8:50) 
Formulize 3.1 has been moved out of release candidate status, and is now final. In addition to the new Getting Started Guide that accompanied the RC1 release, we have produced two more pieces of documentation: How to Design a Formulize Application -- an overview of the thought process that goes into taking your real world requirements and translating them into Formulize. If you were ever not sure where to begin with Formulize, this document plus the Getting Started Guide should get you off on the right foot. (The downloadable workshop is a great starting place too). Inside Formulize: a Developer's Guide -- a very high level overview of the flow of execution through the code as a page is rendered, and also some reference material about the common classes and data structures that Formulize uses. This should be useful to any developer wanting to wade into the code and looking for a few landmarks along the way. Download all the files and docs from http://www.freeformsolutions.ca/fo ...
UHQ-IceAuth v0.5 Released  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/7/12 8:10) 
Today, I am happy to announce that UHQ-IceAuth v0.5 is now available! There are a number of other features I'm looking to implement on the way to 1.0, but the core module has proven solid, stable, and above all: functional. This module allows anyone who uses an IceCast server to authenticate against your XOOPS user directory. I've been working on this for the past year or so to limit and log listener data for an online radio station I run as a hobby. You can download it here . This version has been tested against XOOPS 2.3.3. Icecast 2.3 is required. (2.3.2 is recommended). The IceCast KH branch is required for source authentication. 2.3.2-KH10 is the most recently tested branch w/ this module. ==[ Credits ]== Module created and maintained by Ian A. Underwood (iunderwood). Concept and some code from IceCast2 Auth (ice), by Mark McRitchie. Framework-free admin header as implemented by Zoullou. Admin EXM Icons from the Crystal Project. Thanks to Karl Hayes of Xiph. ...
Free New Xoops Theme in Orange  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/7/10 21:50) 
I'm happy to present you my new color variant and FREE XOOPS - Theme with the name Design Sd-008-Orange . Here can you find the XOOPS Theme Demo and here is the free Download Xoops Theme Sd-008-Orange . Nice weekend and happy XoopsSing.
Free XOOPS Theme Sd-042-Mystica :-)  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/7/9 2:20) 
Sinnedesign is happy to present the next FREE XOOPS - Theme with the name Design Sd-042-Mystica . Here can you find the XOOPS Theme Demo and here is the free Download Xoops Theme Sd-042-Mystica . I hope you like the Theme.
xTransam 1.09 (Stable Release)  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/7/8 15:00) 
Automated Language Translator for XOOPS 2.3.3, all languages on the google API Supported. X-Transam 1.09 is a translator for XOOPS 2.3.x it allows for core language files as well as module language file. It will import them off the hosting and write them in the correct XOOPS Location. Supports utf-8, utf-16, utf-32&Unicode All formats. Compatible with all Unicode, utf-8, utf-16, uft-32. From Chronolabs Features: * File by File Editor * Import a define keyword set * write to system * admin only * encoded storage (Any Database) System Requirements: * XOOPS 2.3.x Download: xoops2.3_xtransam_1.09.zip Mirror: Live Skydriver What to expect in the next release For some reason the original hex conversion even when tested before releasing was flawed this has been replaced by a choice of conversion methods in case you are running funny bit methods or a none standard 8 bit computer. In later version now there is a stable framework we will be offering importing of earlier langua ...

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