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X-Reaggregator 2.20 (Matured)  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/26 23:20) 
X-Re-aggregator 2.20 based on XoopsHeadlines includes a nice feature for Re-aggregating your RSS Feeds into your community from other sources, it includes a .htaccess SEO as well as an RSS Cache and RSS Snooping by Setting in your preferences. With a new RSS Mashables options, X-Reaggregator 2.14 offers the best in RSS Management and Snooping. This for example is useful with your X-Torrent Installation as you can add other X-Torrent RSS Feeds to it and allow your users to with the RSS Torrent acquire Aggregate torrents from many sources with the Feed Snooping your limited supply from other sources. Or any other form of RDF or RSS Feeds, it will also parse into the core of the system for dynamic feed maintenance and collaboration methods with the multisite module. Download the X-Reaggregator 2.20 here from Chronolabs Australia. Download: xoops2_xreaggregator_2.20.zip (62Kb) Bug Fixes * Title Length on Blocks Settable. * Feeds you want to display in the block now available. S ...
Genobio 0.13 (Alpha)  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/26 23:10) 
Genobio is a Genological Profiler with Wiki Type Properties. It offers the ability to propagate information on a genological profile like a family or company base. It can also be cloned to a Personnel Profiler. This is the Alpha 1 Release (which I know some of you have been playing with a pre-release copy). Please test and offer comments if you would like an example of this module please see:: http://simon.roberts.co.in/modules/genobio/ Download now: xoops2.3_genobio_0.13.zip (218Kb) Notes This was developed finally after I saw a request for some alternative to gedview for xoops. This is more basic but as you can it is more a xoopsie application.. This is the early alpha 1 I hope you like it..
New themes :« live_blue, live_pink,news_blue ».  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/26 2:40) 
Hello , I present you today my first new themes :« live_blue, live_pink,news_blue ». live_blue : live_pink : news_blue : Description: As usally it's available in french and arabic (visit www.arabxoops.com to download the arabic version) - Width 920px - 3 columns - Easily editable CSS to download the pack, and the preview, click on the link below: http://www.ithri.info/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=5
Free Theme Black light Blue  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/25 21:40) 
I'm happy to present the XOOPS Community my next FREE XOOPS - Theme with the name Theme Sd-039-BlackLightBlue . Here can you find the XOOPS Theme Demo and here is the free Download Xoops Theme Sd-039-BlackLightBlue . Regards and have Fun.
Over 20,000 downloads of XOOPS 2.3.3  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/25 14:30) 
Three months ago we've released XOOPS 2.3.3 . This week we have reached an important milestone for this release: 20,000 downloads!!! We would like to thank all of you who support XOOPS, who are helping us with technical Support on the forums, contribute to Core, translate into other languages, write new modules, and create cool designs!!!! XOOPS exists and grows thank to all of you!!! The XOOPS Community truly rocks!!! Thank you and Happy XOOPSing!!!!
Bleu Citron (Blue Lemon)  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/25 0:30) 
We are very proud to show you our last realization, the website of the Bleu Citron agency. Bleu Citron is a wedding planning company localized in France (in the west) specialized in managing your wedding for the D day. The Bleu Citron agency also propose some services for companies to help them to manage their internal and external communication. The creation of this site was the occasion to create a new Xoops module called Portfolio . You can see this module in action on the website of our client and you can learn more about it on its homepage . We also used another of our modules, SimpleContent , it is used to manage all the site's content . We hope that you will like this new site. Best regards, Instant Zero
Lawsuit 1.05 (Beta)  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/25 0:30) 
Lawsuit is an module for XOOPS that allows for categories and pages to be create with associated forms. The forms are completely customisable and offer a method of display data in pertinence to any legal issue and collect data for an inquiry or application to a law firm, lawyer or solicitors service so they can ask unique question to do with the case. You can have as many forms and pages as well as categories as the database supports. Each page can have a customised form associated with it where you can retrieve related information to do with the presentation of the case or issue you are seeking clients on for legal representation. There are other application for this module which can be easily cloned or change to suit other forms of paginated liaise within your xoops site. This is the beta release so please test and report any errors you are having. Download: xoops2_lawsuit_1.05.zip (72 Kb)
XOOPS Theme - For FREE  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/23 21:30) 
Sinnedesign is happy to present the next FREE XOOPS - Theme with the name Themea href=http://www.sinnedesign.com/blog/freies-design-sd-036-green/rel=externaltitle=Sd-036-Green/a.br /br /img src='http://www.sinnedesign.com/uploads/screens/x-sd-036-green-screen.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /br /Here can you find thea href=http://demo.sinnedesign.com/modules/rssc/single_feed.php?fid=248rel=externaltitle=XOOPS Theme Demo/aand here is the freea href=http://www.webmystar.de/downloads/singlefile.php?cid=2lid=339rel=externaltitle=Download Xoops Theme Sd-036-Green/a.br /br /Have Fun with the FREE XOOPS Theme.img src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil48a81b5cc3491.gifalt=/
New Design of XOOPS China  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/23 1:30) 
Thanks to hard work ofa href=http://www.xoops.org/modules/profile/userinfo.php?uid=44265rel=externaltitle=SUN Ruoyu (aka Insraq)/aand his colleagues,a href=http://xoops.org.cn/rel=externaltitle=strongXOOPS China/strong/ahas a new attractive look:br /br /img src='http://www.xoops.org/uploads/screens/screenXOOPSChina.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//abr /br /We would like to congratulate the whole XOOPS China team for a job well done!!!br /br /XOOPS China recently won the prestigiousa href=http://www.xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4588rel=externaltitle=strong2008 China Open Source Software Contest (OSSContest)/strong/abr /br /It is refreshing to see all the local developments from around the world that make XOOPS a better CMS, and shows the capabilities of XOOPS in action.
New XOOPS - Theme for FREE  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/20 3:00) 
I#039;m is happy to present you the next FREE XOOPS - Theme with the namea href=http://www.sinnedesign.com/blog/free-design-sd-037-artlessblue/rel=externaltitle=Sd-037-Artless-Blue/a.br /br /img src='http://www.sinnedesign.com/uploads/screens/x-sd-037-artless-blue-screen.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /Here can you find the XOOPS Themea href=http://demo.sinnedesign.com/modules/rssc/single_feed.php?fid=246rel=externaltitle=Demo/aand here is the freea href=http://www.webmystar.de/downloads/singlefile.php?cid=2lid=337rel=externaltitle=Download Xoops Theme Sd-037-Artless-Blue/a.br /br /Nice Weekend and Happy XoopSing.img src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil48a81b5cc3491.gifalt=/

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