multimenu 2.0.6 for Xoops 2.3.x
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/6/19 21:30)
a href= src=''class='right'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//a/abr /br /I#039;m proud to announce (finally and after years of code tweaking, and nights of headache) the release ofa href= 2.0.6 for Xoops 2.3.3/ /br /Important notes before use of this version :br /br /1) The 2.0 version is absolutely not compatible with any previous version of multimenu (thus any 1.x previous version).br /The 2.0 version has been redevelopped from scratch and has nothing to do, regarding code, nore spiritwise with the older version. So, do not attempt to replace and upgrade from a previous /br /Instead, you can install it side by side withe the oldest /br /2) No guaranties are provided with this modu ...
Gramalto website launched
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/6/19 14:30)
Hello Xoops Community!br /br /Here we are again to bring you our latest XOOPS website from Brazil. Gramalto Granitos e Mármores is a granite /br /a href= href= /br /img src=''class='left'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /The modules are:br /- Mastop Publishbr /- Mastop Go2br /- News 1.63br /- Liaisebr /- Xlanguagebr /br /The theme began withquot;Simple Redquot; but became something elseimg src= /br /Regards to all!
+2 two-columns FREE XOOPS THEMES for those who does not prefer coffee
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/6/19 2:50)
Hi to ALL!br /br /br /Probably I also have stopped, but the indicator of downloadings on SourceForge prompts, that it is necessary to /p style=color:#542200; font-family:'Comic Sans MS', cursive; font-size:20px;So, +2 FREE XOOPS themes in ixt010 collection. (without coffee colours)br //pbr /pdiv align=rightstyle=width:510px; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 0)br /div align=leftstyle=float: leftbr /p style=background-color:#542200;color:#CCC;font-size:26px; font-family:'Comic Sans MS', cursive;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ixt010_07/pbr /pclick picturebr /a href= width=250height=150alt=ixt010_07 XOOPS themesrc= /p|a href=|a href=|a hre ...
FREE new XOOPS Theme
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/6/19 1:00)
Sinnedesign is happy to present you the next FREE XOOPS - Theme with the namea href= /br /img src=''border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /Here can you find thea href= Theme Demo/aand here is the freea href= Xoops Theme Sd-040-CoffeeDream/ /br /br /Have a nice day.img src=
TOP 6 on SourceForge and +2 FREE XOOPS THEMES
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/6/17 2:10)
Hello Friends!br /br /It will be possible to you interestingly to learn, thata href=http://ixthemes.orgIXThemes Project/aalready enters ina href= style=font-size: large;top 6 on SourceForge/span/ /br /Click on a picture for rating viewing on /div align=leftbr /a href= alt=IXThemes Project in TOP 6 on SourceForgesrc= //divbr /br /span style=font-size: large;+2 FREE XOOPS themes in ixt010 collection/span.img src= /pbr /div align=rightstyle=width:510px; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 0)br /div align=leftstyle=float: leftbr /pixt010_05/pbr /pa href= ...
click2try Adds XOOPS CMS to Content Management System Offerings
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/6/16 18:30)
We are very happy to see thatstrongclick2try?/strong(a href=http://www.click2try.comtitle=http://www.click2try.comrel=external announced recently that it has added XOOPS version 2.3.3 to its online catalog of virtualized Open Source applications. A Community site, click2try enables users to try applications for free and use by /br /XOOPS will join four other heavy weights of the CMS world: WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, and SilverStripe, and the selection of XOOPS is a clear vote of confidence for /br /Quote:div class=xoopsQuoteblockquote?XOOPS is a great content management system that has been around for a long time and has a large community of users and developers,? says Tom Callaghan, click2try VP Operations. ?XOOPS offers over 60 themes right out of the box, as well as a complete user management system. By adding XOOPS toour catalog, we continue to provide our customers a wide choice of solutions.?br /br /XOOPS is a truly internation ...
New FREE Theme for XOOPS
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/6/16 1:50)
I#039;m happy to present you my FREE XOOPS - Theme with the namea href= /br /img src=''border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /Here can you find thea href= Theme Demo/aand here is the freea href= Xoops Theme Sd-039-BlackPurple/ /br /Have Fun with the Free XOOPS Theme.img src=
IXThemes - and whether it is necessary to simplify?
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/6/14 7:41)
Greetings!br /br /There is an opinion, that themes for XOOPS should be simple and easily changed by any user without special knowledge instrongJavascript/strong,strongCSS/strongorstrongHTML/ /br /However - we believe that themes in the future will become complex as browsers, CSS and Javascript become complex. Soon there will appearstrong3D/strongandstrongFlash/strongthemes for XOOPS. It is impossible to imagine that casual users or owners of sites can correct something in such /br /Thea href=http://ixthemes.orgIXThemes Project/asincerely believes that the innovative way consists in introduction of new knowledge and technologies in development and does not believe in spending of several months by the user on coloring of a theme (unless somedesignersare engaged).br /br /So we respond to wishes of XOOPS XOOPS and will simplify our themes if it isstrongreally necessary/ /br /Now we offer the simplified version of a theme, is nameda href=http://ixthemes.sourcefor ...
Free XOOPS Theme Sd-038-Red-Gray
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/6/12 21:38)
Sinnedesign is happy to present the XOOPS - Community the next FREE XOOPS - Theme with the namea href= /br /img src=''border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /br /Here can you find thea href= Theme Demo/aand here is the freea href= Xoops Theme Sd-038-Red-Gray/ /br /br /Nice weekend and Fun wish your Sinnedesign.img src=
IXThemes Project is Top 12 and over $41,606,249 in Value
from XOOPS Project!
(2009/6/12 21:20)
br /br /Greetings friends! Here is onlyspan style=font-size: xx-large;strongspan style=color: #009900;good news!!!/span/strong/spanto youbr /div align=centerbr /a href=http://ixthemes.orgimg alt=FREE XOOPS Themessrc= //divbr /We are glad to inform you, thata href=http://ixthemes.orgrel=externaltitle=IXThemes Project/aafter 6 months of existence (since December, 07th, 2008) has reached quite good results:br /br /span style=font-size: xx-large;strongspan style=color: #009900;1/span/strong/span. Thea href=http://ixthemes.orgrel=externaltitle=IXThemes Project/asteadily keeps in Top 100 and has entered ina href= 12 on SourceForge/aon activity for last /br /br /span style=font-size: xx-large;strongspan style=color: #009900;2/span/strong/span. Cost of thea href=http://ixtheme ...