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Formulize 3.1 RC1 is released!  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/8 11:20) 
a href=http://www.freeformsolutions.ca/en/formulize-downloadsThe latest version of Formulize is now available/a, including truly awesome performance improvements. Formulize is a module that lets you do data management and reporting in your website, all the way from simple survey forms, to complex data-driven workflows. In development and testing for this release, the most complex query we could come up with dropped from taking nearly 10 minutes, to taking under 10 seconds! That wasn't an every day situation, but it tells you how dramatic the changes are.br /br /This release includes many other neat changes, including full number formatting, so dollar figures can look like dollar figures, and if you're not in English North America, you can change the defaults in the module preferences to use whatever is appropriate for your area.br /br /Another exciting change is thatderivedvalues are now stored in the database. For example, if you have a form that asks people to type in expenses, a ...
Aleqtisadtoday: a Libyan Financial and Stock market news service is powered by XOOPS  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/8 10:00) 
We are very proud to announce that official website for Financial and Stock Market news in Libya is now powered by XOOPS.br /br /a href=http://www.aleqtisadtoday.net.lyrel=externaltitle=Aleqtisadtoday/aoffers to Libyan stock markets specialized reports and analysis of economic data from around the country. Also you can find in the website exclusive studies about business, petrol and crude oil?etcbr /br /We feel so happy to see huge websites and official business companies to have a lot of confidences in XOOPS features and select this great CMS to build its website.br /br /img src='http://www.aleqtisadtoday.net.ly/themes/PraiseCorp/images/header.png'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//abr /br /a href=http://www.aleqtisadtoday.net.lyrel=externaltitle=Aleqtisadtoday/a: a website that deserve your visit.
FREE XOOPS Theme ixt019_12  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/8 4:43) 
Dear Xoopsers,br /br /br /here is newa href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_12br /FREE theme for XOOPS/abya href=http://ixthemes.org/IXThemes Project/a.br /br /br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_12img src=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/uploads/scshot/ixt019_12_shot_xoops_500_300.jpgalt=FREE XOOPS theme//abr /br /br /FREE download in 7z, tar.gz, tar.bz2 or zip archive formats froma href=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=247341package_id=325143release_id=687249here/a.br /You can see Demo ona href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_12IXThemes Demo Site/a.br /br /br /
FREE XOOPS Theme ixt019_11  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/8 4:43) 
Dear Xoopsers,br /br /br /here is newa href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_11br /FREE theme for XOOPS/abya href=http://ixthemes.org/IXThemes Project/a.br /br /br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_11img src=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/uploads/scshot/ixt019_11_shot_xoops_500_300.jpgalt=FREE XOOPS theme//abr /br /br /FREE download in 7z, tar.gz, tar.bz2 or zip archive formats froma href=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=247341package_id=325143release_id=687249here/a.br /You can see Demo ona href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_11IXThemes Demo Site/a.br /br /br /
FREE XOOPS Theme ixt019_10  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/8 4:42) 
Dear Xoopsers,br /br /br /here is newa href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_10br /FREE theme for XOOPS/abya href=http://ixthemes.org/IXThemes Project/a.br /br /br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_10img src=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/uploads/scshot/ixt019_10_shot_xoops_500_300.jpgalt=FREE XOOPS theme//abr /br /br /FREE download in 7z, tar.gz, tar.bz2 or zip archive formats froma href=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=247341package_id=325143release_id=687249here/a.br /You can see Demo ona href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_10IXThemes Demo Site/a.br /br /br /
FREE XOOPS Theme ixt019_09  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/8 4:42) 
Dear Xoopsers,br /br /br /here is newa href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_09br /FREE theme for XOOPS/abya href=http://ixthemes.org/IXThemes Project/a.br /br /br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_09img src=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/uploads/scshot/ixt019_09_shot_xoops_500_300.jpgalt=FREE XOOPS theme//abr /br /br /FREE download in 7z, tar.gz, tar.bz2 or zip archive formats froma href=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=247341package_id=325143release_id=687249here/a.br /You can see Demo ona href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_09IXThemes Demo Site/a.br /br /br /
FREE XOOPS Theme ixt019_08  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/8 4:42) 
Dear Xoopsers,br /br /br /here is newa href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_08br /FREE theme for XOOPS/abya href=http://ixthemes.org/IXThemes Project/a.br /br /br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_08img src=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/uploads/scshot/ixt019_08_shot_xoops_500_300.jpgalt=FREE XOOPS theme//abr /br /br /FREE download in 7z, tar.gz, tar.bz2 or zip archive formats froma href=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=247341package_id=325143release_id=687249here/a.br /You can see Demo ona href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_08IXThemes Demo Site/a.br /br /br /
Obituaries module updated  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/8 4:42) 
Hello XOOPSERS,br /br /I came back after a long absence (for several reasons) to share together a new update to my module:strongObituaries/strongbr /br /With the precious contributions ofstrongTrabis (a href=http://www.xuups.comtitle=www.xuups.comrel=externalwww.xuups.com/a)/strongI could successfully update the Obituaries module, and have added a new block:?We Will Remember Them ? a block to display our fallen and who have also passed away.br /br /The block contains a random obituaries (pictures are available)br /br /strongTo download ita href=http://maitsco.com/english/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=2lid=13rel=externaltitle=click here/a/strongbr /br /Thanks Trabis and many thanks toa href=http://instant-zero.com/rel=externaltitle=strongInstant Zero/strong/a(because obituaries is based on birthday module created by Instant Zero.
WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter # 21 (June 2009)  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/7 4:00) 
headtitleWOX - World Of Xoops/titlelink href=../../uploads/wox/wox_style.cssrel=stylesheettype=text/css/link href=local_supports.cssrel=stylesheettype=text/css//headbase target=_blankh1a name=Backtotopid=Backtotop/aW.O.X. - WORLD OF XOOPS #21 (June 2009)/h1div class=paragraphWelcome to the June 2009 issue offont color=#FF0000strongWOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter/strong/fontnbsp; (see herea target=_blankhref=../../modules/news/index.php?storytopic=17previous versions/a)nbsp;pAs always, as the first thing in each newsletter we wanted to express our gratitude to all ofnbsp;youa href=../../modules/news/article.php?storyid=4849/#Donationstarget=_selfwho have donated money/atoa target=_blankhref=../../modules/xdonations/XOOPS Foundation/a! We truly appreciate your trust and support!nbsp;/ppThis month was especially busy forba href=http://www.xoops.org/userinfo.php?uid=62352Wishcraft/a/b! He not only got married, but also created new XOOPS Modules, and updated several of his older modules:spa ...
X-Forum 4.11  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/6 12:20) 
img src='http://www.chronolabs.org.au/uploads/smartsection/images/item/xoopsxf_slogo_new.png'class='left'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//aX-Forum is a completely extensible forum module for XOOPS, this is the complete stable release of the first version. It does require Frameworks 1.20 or later.br /br /Designed for XOOPS 2.3 and earlier version, it was written in response to problems with earlier forum titles, that had in some cases installation issues. With a broad range of options. X-Forum is a great solution to your forum requirements, complete with RSS Features and image management.br /br /It will utilise a wide range of options and allow your community to discuss issues, raise topic and solution. Complete with .htaccess example and SEO with a medium URL.br /br /With X-Forum you can have all the convenience of the modular newbb path without the result. Based on CBB with a sound environment that even your grandma can use, I know mine does this is solid stuf ...

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