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Web Show Media Player v.71 Released  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/6 12:20) 
img src='http://wikiwebshow.com/modules/webshow/images/logo.gif'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//abr /Thea href=http://wikiwebshow.com/modules/mediawiki/index.php?title=About_the_WebShow_Modulerel=externaltitle=WebShow module for XOOPS/awraps the myLinks directory around the Jeroen Wijering Media Player 3.16 to catalog and play Flash media from a single file url, a directory, podcast feeds, streams and embed sharing sites.br /br /strongUsage:/strongbr /-Webmasters: Display many types of media with one player. Create custom players with colors that change with the theme and superimpose your logo. Add music bars to your site. Use playlists to display pre, mid and post roll advertisements. Create custom blocks using embed codes generated by the module. Want to play some media files but not display the catalog? Hide the module in the main menu and use WebShow#039;s media, players and blocks in stealth mode.br /br /-Indie Musicians and Record Labels: Catalog, p ...
New FREE themes collection for XOOPS  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/5 21:30) 
Greetings friends!br /Allow to offer you a new collection of free themes for XOOPS froma href=http://ixthemes.orgrel=externaltitle=IXThemes Project/a. For demo viewing simplystrongspan style=color: #CC0000;CLICK/span/stronga picture below.br /table cellspacing=5cellpadding=5style=text-align:center;trtdixt019_01br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_01img src=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/themes/ixt019_01/shot.gifwidth=120height=100alt=ixt019_01 FREE XOOPS theme//abr /a href=http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=247341filename=ixt019_01_1.3.zipDownload/a/tdtdixt019_02br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt019_02img src=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/themes/ixt019_02/shot.gifwidth=120height=100alt=ixt019_02 FREE XOOPS theme//abr /a href=http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=247341filename=ixt019_02_1.3.zipDownload/a/tdtdixt019_03br /a href=http:// ...
X-Reaggregator 2.15  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/4 8:50) 
img src='http://www.chronolabs.org.au/uploads/smartsection/images/item/xreaggregator_slogo_new.png'class='right'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//aX-Re-aggregator 2.15 based on XoopsHeadlines includes a nice feature for Re-aggregating your RSS Feeds into your community from other sources, it includes a .htaccess SEO as well as an RSS Cache and RSS Snooping by Setting in your preferences.br /br /This version has a few new features, you can group the mashables and RSS feeds into tabbed categories and the mashables have keyword filter for RSS Item selection.br /br /There has been a couple of bug fixes (The Name bug in the mashables has been fixed as well as a couple of form errors - these where the only known bugs).br /br /Or any other form of RDF or RSS Feeds, it will also parse into the core of the system for dynamic feed maintenance and collaboration methods with the multisite module.br /br /Download the X-Re-aggregator 2.15 here from Chronolabs Australia.br /br ...
Win64 another take on Vista_K  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/4 8:50) 
Win64 is a 3 columns fixed width theme for ICMS which is actually another take on the Vista_K theme i did a while back.br /br /Completely recoded, theme was done with modern browsers in mind meaning that it won#039;t display correctly on IE6 or older, has been tested on IE7 and 8, Firefox(windows and mac), Safari (mac).br /img src='http://www.aphexthemes.com/themes/design/work/win643d-fffback.png'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /The small windows logo under the header actually functions a bit like the start button in Windows where here opens a login box for non-users and a user menu for registered users.br /br /Thanks toa href=http://www.xoops.org/modules/profile/userinfo.php?uid=53047rel=externaltitle=trabis/awho pointed in the right direction with a bit of coding which made theme is also available for XOOPS usersimg src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil48a81b5cc3491.gifalt=/br /br /Theme can be downloadeda href=http://www.aphexthemes.com/themes/W ...
XOOPS Theme Sd-035-Plain-Vanilla  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/4 3:50) 
I#039;m happy to present my new XOOPS Theme with the namea href=http://www.sinnedesign.com/blog/freies-design-sd-035-plain-vanilla/rel=externaltitle=Sd-035-Plain-Vanilla/a.br /br /img src='http://www.sinnedesign.com/uploads/screens/x-sd-035-plain-vanilla-screen.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /Here can you find thea href=http://demo.sinnedesign.com/modules/rssc/single_feed.php?fid=155rel=externaltitle=Theme Demo/aand here is the freea href=http://www.webmystar.de/downloads/singlefile.php?cid=2lid=296rel=externaltitle=Download Xoops Theme Sd-035-Plain-Vanilla/a.br /br /Have Fun with XOOPS.img src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil48a81b5cc3491.gifalt=/
Travel Site to Algarve  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/3 2:20) 
Hi XOOPS - Community.br /br /I will present you my blog and travel portala href=http://www.reisen-algarve.de/rel=externaltitle=Reisen Algarve/a.br /br /img src='http://www.reisen-algarve.de/uploads/reisen-algarve-screen.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /I have built the Travel Site with the xoops modules:br /br /- wiwimodbr /- evennewsbr /- sitemapbr /- picobr /- wordpressbr /br /Have Fun with travel witha href=http://www.reisen-algarve.de/algarve+index.page+lastminute-algarve.htmrel=externaltitle=Lastminute Algarve/a, at my XOOPS Site.img src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil48a81b5cc3491.gifalt=/
WebdesignCreators theme WDC_010  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/6/1 23:20) 
With the WDC 010 we present you a classic theme. The layout is simple and fast louding.br /br /The theme comes with a cool grunde effect for the sitename in the header section. The effect comes from a css layer, you don´t have to change an code, you only have to change the sitename in the backend.br /br /WDC 010 is available in different colours, so you can pick out your favourite colour.br /br /You can see the theme live in action. You will find it at our Xoops demo page:br /br /br /a href=http://demoxoops.webdesigncreators.com/?xoops_theme_select=WDC_010_blackberryrel=externaltitle=LIVE Demo blackberry version/abr /a href=http://demoxoops.webdesigncreators.com/?xoops_theme_select=WDC_010_bluerel=externaltitle=LIVE Demo blue version/abr /a href=http://demoxoops.webdesigncreators.com/?xoops_theme_select=WDC_010_greenrel=externaltitle=LIVE Demo green version/abr /a href=http://demoxoops.webdesigncreators.com/?xoops_theme_select=WDC_010_greyrel=externaltitle=LIVE Demo grey version/abr /a ...
WebdesignCreators WDC_009  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/5/31 7:20) 
Our new website is online, and we´re proud to present you our brand new theme WDC_009.br /br /The theme comes with a cool css and javascript dock menu.br /br /You can check outa href=http://demoxoops.webdesigncreators.com/?xoops_theme_select=WDC_009rel=externaltitle=the demo here/abr /br /Thea href=http://en.webdesigncreators.com/modules/PDdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=1lid=19rel=externaltitle=download is already avalible for you/abr /br /Have fun with it
Jwele.es - Computer brand in Andalusia, Spain  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/5/29 23:30) 
We´re proud to announce a Xoops Site, made in 48 hours (thx Xoops!).br /br /Using many classic modules,a href=http://www.jwele.esrel=externaltitle=Jwele in Andalusia/ahave one the best CMS you´ll find over internet (Xoops, of course), giving a total control to our customer.br /br /img src='http://www.jwele.es/uploads/jwelecap.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /Jwele is a well-knowed brand in motherboards. They´ve awesome models, like MINIX 780G, a very very littlepowerful motherboard, or JWTN61S, the same i use an very happy with it, 100% recommendedimg src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil42e7a3d4c7b9f.gifalt=/br /br /We will include a shop module (from Instant-Zero, of course), but we must to wait because the owner wants to move website to a new server. (actually, he´s hosting himself).br /br /Our best wishes for them. We´re proud to use Xoops for our projects. Thanks Xoops!!!
Free XOOPS Theme Sd-034-mountain-goat  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/5/29 23:30) 
Sinnedesign is happy to present the new XOOPS Theme with the name Designa href=http://www.sinnedesign.com/blog/freies-design-sd-034-mountain-goat/rel=externaltitle=Sd-034-mountain-goat/a.br /br /img src='http://www.sinnedesign.com/uploads/screens/x-sd-034-mountain-goat-screen.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /Here can you find the XOOPSa href=http://demo.sinnedesign.com/modules/rssc/single_feed.php?fid=134rel=externaltitle=Theme Demo/aand here is the freea href=http://www.webmystar.de/downloads/singlefile.php?cid=2lid=267rel=externaltitle=Download Xoops Theme Sd-034-Mountain-Goat/a.br /br /Nice Weekend.img src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil42e7a65fee35d.gifalt=/

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