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Server migration this weekend  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/29 19:00) 
We will be moving XOOPS Websites this weekend (starting Saturday, May 2nd, 8 AM GMT) to a new server. In order to ensure data consistency, we'll close the Websites for that time.br /br /We hope to re-open the the XOOPS Websites later that weekend.br /br /Please be patient with us, and usea href=http://sourceforge.net/projects/xoopsrel=externaltitle=SourceForge/a, as well as oura href=http://www.xoops.org/modules/xoopspartners/rel=externaltitle=XOOPS local support sites/aduring that time.
Two NEW XOOPS themes from NEW IXThemes Collection  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/29 11:50) 
Hi!br /I represent to you two new 3-columns themes from astrongspan style=color: #CC3300;NEW/span/strongIXThemes collection.br /br /br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt017_02img src=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/uploads/scshot/ixt017_02_shot_xoops_500_300.jpgalt=ixt017_02 XOOPS theme//abr /br /br /a href=http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=247341filename=ixt017_01_1.2.zipDownload ixt017_01/ain ZIP.br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt017_01ixt17_01 on IXThemes Demo Site/a.br /br /br /a href=http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=247341filename=ixt017_02_1.2.zipDownload ixt017_02/ain ZIP.br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt017_02ixt17_02 on IXThemes Demo Site/a.br /br /br /Thanks that you usea href=http://ixthemes.org/themes from IXThemes Project/a!br /Any questions about ixt017_01 or ixt017_02 themes you can subm ...
Theme Sd-027-GreenBubble  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/29 3:00) 
Hi XOOPS Friends,br /br /I#039;m proud to present my next free XOOPS Theme with the name Themea href=http://www.sinnedesign.com/blog/freies-design-sd-027-green-bubble/rel=externaltitle=Sd-027-GreenBubble/a.br /br /br /img src='http://www.sinnedesign.com/uploads/screens/sd-027-greenbubble-screen.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /br /Here is thea href=http://demo.sinnedesign.com/modules/rssc/single_feed.php?fid=19rel=externaltitle=XOOPS Theme Demo/aand here can you find without registration the Freea href=http://www.webmystar.de/downloads/singlefile.php?cid=2lid=196rel=externaltitle=Download Xoops Theme Sd-027-GreenBubble/a.br /br /br /Regards.img src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil48a81b5cc3491.gifalt=/
Free XOOPS Theme Sd-023-DeepLightBlueSea  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/28 2:00) 
Hi XOOPS Community,br /br /sinnedesign is proud to present the color variant, from the XOOPS Travel Theme Travel Theme Sd-023-Deep-Blue-Sea, with the namea href=http://www.sinnedesign.com/blog/freies-design-sd-023-deep-lightblue-sea/rel=externaltitle=Sd-023-DeepLightBlueSea/a.br /br /br /img src='http://www.sinnedesign.com/uploads/screens/sd-023-deeplightbluesea-screen.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /br /Here can you find thea href=http://demo.sinnedesign.com/modules/rssc/single_feed.php?fid=20rel=externaltitle=XOOPS Theme Demo/aand the Free Theme Downloadstrongwithout registration/strong:a href=http://www.webmystar.de/downloads/singlefile.php?cid=2lid=194rel=externaltitle=Download Xoops Theme Sd-023-DeepLightBlueSea/a.br /br /br /Ragards an have fun with the Theme.img src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil48a81b5cc3491.gifalt=/
XOOPS and IXThemes in TOP 50 on Sourceforge  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/27 4:20) 
strongspan style=color: #990000;I congratulate all XOOPS users!/span/strongbr /a href=http://sourceforge.net/search/?words=xoopssort=group_rankingsortdir=ascoffset=0type_of_search=softpmode=0form_cat=18XOOPS and IXThemes in TOP 50 on Sourceforge/a!!!br /br /br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt016_03img src=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/uploads/scshot/ixt016_03_shot_xoops_500_300.jpgalt=ixt016_03 theme//abr /br /br /a href=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=247341package_id=319781Download ixt016_02/a.br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt016_02ixt16_02 on IXThemes Demo Site/a.br /br /br /a href=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=247341package_id=319781Download ixt016_03/a.br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt016_03ixt16_03 on IXThemes Demo Site/a.br /br /br /Thanks that you usea href=http://ixthemes.org/themes from ...
xPNews 1.1 - NNTP Protocol News  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/26 18:00) 
img src='http://www.chronolabs.org.au/uploads/smartsection/images/item/xpnews_slogo.png'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//abr /br /NNTP Protocol newsgroup browser for XOOPS 2. This newsgroup browser allows you to connect your XOOPS to any NNTP Protocol news service, including mime type parser and clear text browsing.br /br /You can cross post, reply and make new posts to your Usenet or NNTP service on your own server. Based on PNews the GNU PHP newsgroup browser this title will allow you to access some of the older areas of the internet before the website.br /br /Newgroups are the orginal forums, these are available to most people and offer the enticement of older areas and protocols of the internet.br /br /Xoops has a usenet area and we would like you to connect to it just addixoops*/ito your groups.br /br /Download today :a href=http://bin.chronolabs.org.au/xoops2_xpnews_1.1.ziprel=externaltitle=xoops2_xpnews_1.1.zip/a(76Kb)
X-SOAP 4.2  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/25 15:10) 
img src='http://www.chronolabs.org.au/images/xsoap-4.2.png'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//abr /br /strongWhat is SOAP?/strongbr /br /SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a way for a program running in one kind of operating system (such as Windows 2000) to communicate with a progam in the same or another kind of an operating system (such as Linux) by using the World Wide Web#039;s Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)and its Extensible Markup Language (XML) as the mechanisms for information exchange. Since Web protocols are installed and available for use by all major operating system platforms, HTTP and XML provide an already at-hand solution to the problem of how programs running under different operating systems in a network can communicate with each other. SOAP specifies exactly how to encode an HTTP header and an XML file so that a program in one computer can call a program in another computer and pass it information. It also specifies how the called prog ...
Gigamaster come over Japan  from PEAK XOOPS  (2009/4/25 5:38) 
I met gigamaster yesterday, in Hotel New Otani of Tokyo. He looks great. a nice guy, indeed. Because of my poor skills of English conversations, we could not communicate each other enough. But I feel his passion about"open source".As gigamaster's posts sound bitter (^^;, he is misundestood in the community of ImpressCMS or xoops.org.After the meeting, this is just a problem of missing communications."Open source projects"are often developped"on line"only.But, I convinced"off line meetings"raise them higher stages.
Gigamaster come over Japan  from PEAK XOOPS  (2009/4/25 5:38) 
I met gigamaster yesterday, in Hotel New Otani of Tokyo. He looks great. a nice guy, indeed. Because of my poor skills of English conversations, we could not communicate each other enough. But I feel his passion aboutopen source.As gigamaster's posts sound bitter (^^;, he is misundestood in the community of ImpressCMS or xoops.org.After the meeting, this is just a problem of missing communications.Open source projectsare often developpedon lineonly.But, I convincedoff line meetingsraise them higher stages.
Xoops Theme Sd-026-OceanView  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/25 3:20) 
Hi XOOPS Friends,br /br /I#039;m proud to present my next Travel XOOPS - Theme with the name Themea href=http://www.sinnedesign.com/blog/free-theme-sd-026-ocean-view/rel=externaltitle=Sd-026-OceanView/a.br /br /img src='http://www.sinnedesign.com/uploads/screens/sd-026-oceanview-screen.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /Here is thea href=http://demo.sinnedesign.com/modules/rssc/single_feed.php?fid=14rel=externaltitle=Theme Demo/aand here can you find thea href=http://www.webmystar.de/downloads/singlefile.php?cid=2lid=192rel=externaltitle=Download Xoops Theme Sd-026-OceanView/a.br /br /Have Fun and Nice Weekend.img src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil48a81b5cc3491.gifalt=/

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