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Coral (ixt013_02) Theme by IXThemes  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/14 22:40) 
Dear Xoopsers, here is newa href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt013_02br /Coral (ixt013_02) XOOPS theme/abya href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/IXThemes Project/a.br /Now you can choose the theme which liked you for yours XOOPS froma href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/modules/extgallery/public-categories.php?id=1IXThemes Portfolio/a.br /br /br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt013_02img src=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/uploads/scshot/ixt013_02_shot_xoops_500_300.jpgalt=ixt013_02 theme//abr /br /br /FREE download in 7z, tar.gz, tar.bz2 or zip archive formats froma href=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=247341package_id=317617here/a.br /You can see Demo ona href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt013_02IXThemes Demo Site/a.br /Any questions about ixt013_02 theme you can submit ona href=http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=browsegroup_id=24734 ...
xoops module umfrage (updated xoopspoll) bugfix  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/14 1:40) 
This modulequot;umfrage - v1.0.4quot; (updated xoopspoll) doesn#039;t work on hosts with register_long_arrays = 0br /br /Since many hosting turned offbr /register_long_arrays = 0br /in php.ini to reduce overhead with duplicated superglobals like $HTTP_*_VARSbr /which are anyway deprecated by PHP, I change all those superglobals tobr /appropriate equivalents of $_SERVER, $_GET, $_POST, etc.br /Also, I include to package Russian language. (UTF-8 no BOM)br /br /Repacked with bugfix version renamed to 1.0.5 and uploaded to the same place where umfrage lives.br /You can download that version at:br /a href=http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detailaid=2759267group_id=208418atid=1005616title=http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detailaid=2759267group_id=208418atid=1005616rel=externalhttp://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func= ... up_id=208418atid=1005616/abr /
Dark Green (ixt013_01) Theme by IXThemes  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/12 7:00) 
Dear Xoopsers, here is newDark Greena href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt013_01br /ixt013_01 XOOPS theme/abya href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/IXThemes Project/a.br /br /br /a href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt013_01img src=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/uploads/scshot/ixt013_01_shot_xoops_500_300.jpgalt=ixt013_01 theme//abr /br /br /FREE download in 7z, tar.gz, tar.bz2 or zip archive formats froma href=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=247341package_id=317617here/a.br /You can see Demo ona href=http://ixthemes.sourceforge.net/demo/x/index.php?xoops_theme_select=ixt013_01IXThemes Demo Site/a.br /Any questions about ixt013_01 theme you can submit ona href=http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=browsegroup_id=247341atid=1126780IXThemes Bugs Tracker/a.br /br /br /
The Blue Move - updating Xoops Classic Modules  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/11 1:20) 
In our quest to get module development started again, we have decided to update the classic modules to run on version 2.3 and PHP 5 and over the next few weeks we will be adapting many older modules. WE have called this Phasequot;strongThe Blue Move/strongquot;. (After the colour of thea href=http://www.xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4392rel=externaltitle=new 2.3.x module icons/a).br /br /img src='http://www.xoops.org/uploads/logos/xoops_module_logo5.png'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//abr /br /We hope that other module developers will follow suit and maybe we could actually bring new developers into the Xoops Module development Team and foster a Xoops Module. If you are interested in doing this please contact us.br /br /strongXoops FAQ v1.15/strongbr /br /a href=http://xoosla.com/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=8lid=6rel=externaltitle=Download From Here/abr /br /a href=http://www.xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewforum.php?forum=66rel=externaltit ...
Total Management Theme  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/10 23:30) 
hi allbr /This is new xoops theme .quot; Total Managementquot; , I use free template from templateworld.com . This theme have 3 columns .br /br /img src='http://anakin.finalfantasy.ir/uploads/myxoopsthemes/total_management.png'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//abr /br /and footer side :br /br /img src='http://anakin.finalfantasy.ir/uploads/myxoopsthemes/total_management-footer.png'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//abr /br /you can download this theme froma href=http://anakin.finalfantasy.ir/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=1lid=18rel=externaltitle=Here/a.br /br /happy xoopsing
Xoops 2.3 - Multisite Module version 1.18  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/10 12:00) 
img src='http://www.chronolabs.org.au/images/Clora-Multisite-Box-1.18.png'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//abr /br /Download Multisite for XOOPS 2.3.x, it allows for multiple site to be run from the one xoops, many xoops - One Code - Many Domain Bases. Download nowbr /br /a href=http://bin.chronolabs.org.au/xoops2.3_multisite_1.18.ziprel=externaltitle=xoops2.3_multisite_1.18.zip/a(164 Kb).br /br /With this module you are capable of managing multiple domains for your website there are many core hacks with this module but it makes managing your site dynamically and easily for your environment.br /br /It is modelled off the System module, so you can easily expand it and make structural changes. There is a forum for this module should you wish to look at the hacks to get it up and running Forum on Multisite Modulebr /br /To implement this module requires some core hacks, this is more replacement of or ammendments to include the multisite modules class library using ...
XOOPS Easter Theme  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/10 2:10) 
Hallo XOOPS Friends,br /br /i#039;m proud to present my XOOPS Easter Theme Designa href=http://www.sinnedesign.com/blog/free-theme-sd-022-oster-theme/rel=externaltitle=Sd-022-Ostertheme/a.br /br /img src='http://www.sinnedesign.com/uploads/screens/sd-022-ostertheme-screen.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /The Demo from the XOOPS Easter Theme can you find under thea href=http://demo.sinnedesign.com/modules/wfdownloads/topten.php?list=hitrel=externaltitle=Theme Demo Site/aand the free theme download is here:a href=http://www.webmystar.de/downloads/singlefile.php?cid=2lid=180rel=externaltitle=Download Xoops Theme Sd-022-Ostertheme/a.br /br /Happy Easter!img src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil48a81b5cc3491.gifalt=/
WF-Channel 2.05rc Released  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/9 0:10) 
I am please to announce the latest release of WF-Channel to the Xoops Community. This version is considered beta and should be used only for testing purposes and not to be used on a production website. This release is to help find any bugs or issues that may arise on different servers and server configurations.br /br /This version of WF-Channel has some important changes, many new features and security enhancements.br /br /Some of the new features include:br /User Sidebr /1. SEO friendlybr /2. Bookmarks (Two types either AddThis or internal book marks), cached for faster browsingbr /3. Tags (Xoops Tags)br /4. Related pagesbr /5. Faster PDF Creation and cached for faster browsingbr /6. RSS feedsbr /7. Xoops Notificationsbr /8. Displaying of comments counts, user and publish date, copyright notice and a new page display.br /9. New Icons from Xoopsbr /10. Changed the way that the logo image works and added the ability to add a caption below the main page image.br /11. Improved CSS validat ...
German Travel Catalog works now with XOOPS-2.2.3  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/8 23:50) 
Here is the German free travel catalog (a href=http://www.mildebriese.derel=externaltitle=Reiseverzeichnis/a) with the 10 top travel regions in the world. We have rebuild our site and now works mildebriese.de fine under XOOPS-2.2.3.img src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil48a81b5cc3491.gifalt=/br /br /img src='http://www.mildebriese.de/uploads/mildebriese-screen.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=JavaScript:if(this.width300) this.width=300/br /br /We have used the follow XOOPS Modules:br /br /- weblinks 1.9.2br /- myalbum 2.88br /- d3forum 0.8.5br /- pico 1.7.9br /- sitemap 1.3.1br /- contact 1.6br /- smartfaq 1.0.8br /- Xigg 1.2.1br /br /- Url (simplified_url)br /br /a href=http://www.mildebriese.de/rssc+index.htmrel=externaltitle=Reise News/abr /br /Regards and have fun with XOOPS-2.2.3.img src=http://www.xoops.org/uploads/smil48a81b5cc3491.gifalt=/
XOOPS Theme Gallery is going Live  from XOOPS Project!  (2009/4/8 23:20) 
img src='http://www.xoops.org/uploads/screens/screenshotThemeGalleryXOOPS.jpg'border='0'alt=''onload=javascript:imageResize(this, 300)//abr /br /Thanks to a great teamwork betweena href=http://www.xoops.org/userinfo.php?uid=52634rel=externaltitle=strongBurning/strong/aanda href=http://www.xoops.org/userinfo.php?uid=28584rel=externaltitle=strongAph3x/strong/a, we are now releasing our newstrongXOOPS Theme Gallery/strong:br /br /a href=http://www.xoops.org/modules/extgallery/title=http://www.xoops.org/modules/extgallery/rel=externalhttp://www.xoops.org/modules/extgallery//abr /br /which is based on the excellenta href=http://www.zoullou.net/rel=externaltitle=ExtGallery/abya href=http://www.xoops.org/userinfo.php?uid=17729br /rel=externaltitle=Zoullou/a!br /br /The newa href=http://www.xoops.org/modules/extgallery/rel=externaltitle=strongXOOPS Theme Gallery/strong/awill replace our currenta href=http://www.xoops.org/modules/library/viewcat.php?cid=1rel=externaltitle=Theme Library/a, which ...

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