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Global domain whois query using browser address bar  from XOOPS Project  (2008/10/31 2:00) 
I have used Netquery module and .htaccess to faciliate global whois of domains using browser address bar. example: find whois query of xoops.org type: http://4321.in/xoops.org find whois query of google.co.in type: http://4321.in/google.co.in I hope you will find its useful. Website address is http://4321.in thanks anjan
The impact of Snoopy vulnerability  from PEAK XOOPS  (2008/10/30 16:04) 
A command execution vulnerability has found at the library "Snoopy". http://secunia.com/Advisories/32361/ But calm down, guy. All XOOPS forks never pass arbitrary URIs into Snoopy. And almost modules using Snoopy allow to set URIs only by administrators. Just update the releasing version later. But, if you allows guests or incredible users to set URI using Snoopy, you have to patch it urgently. Index: html/class/snoopy.php =================================================================== --- snoopy.php (revision 729) +++ snoopy.php (working copy) @@ -1035,8 +1035,7 @@ $headerfile = tempnam($temp_dir, "sno"); - $safer_URI = strtr( $URI, "\"", " " ); // strip quotes from the URI to avoid shell access - exec($this->curl_path." -D \"$headerfile\"".$cmdline_params." \"".$safer_URI."\"",$results,$return); + ...
Lagoon theme released  from XOOPS Project  (2008/10/30 11:13) 
I've said before I was working on a blue version of Phoenix, called Lagoon, and I'm now finally happy enough about it to release it. I've already started working on a new theme, In Flames (not the band xD). I'll also work more on the new theme site Acida Themes, when it'll fully open up next week ( http://themes.acida-software.com ) This theme does NOT work on XOOPS 2.2 Tested with XOOPS 2.3.1 Demo: http://themes.acida-software.com and select"lagoon" Download: http://themes.acida-software.com/lagoon.zip
Vsta Themes Desing B.Heyula !  from XOOPS Project  (2008/10/29 3:30) 
Vsta Temas?n?n Grafiklerini Tamamen S?f?rdan Yaparak Yeni bir görünüm kazand?rd?m.Baz?lar?m?z?n i?ine yarar diye diye payla??ma sunuyorum.Baya u?ra?t?rd???n? dile getirmek istiyorum .Dosyadaki bütün grafikleri Adobe Fireworks CS3 ile yapt?m ve çal??ma dosylar?n?n kendileridir yani ho?unuza gitmeyen yerleri Adobe Fireworks CS3 ile aç?p editleye bilirsiniz. Download: http://www.xoops-tr.com/modules/mydow ... inglefile.php?cid=2&lid=9
Replica 01 Free Xoops Themes  from XOOPS Project  (2008/10/28 4:30) 
Hi , this is the first xoops themes by Replica Watches Dev. PNG file source available for edit themes. Free Download Replica 01 Xoops Themes
Onokazu announced one of MVP of Open Source CMS  from XOOPS Project  (2008/10/28 0:50) 
Packt Publishing just announced the inaugural list of Most Valued People from Open Source Content Management Systems , and we are proud to have XOOPS'Founder, Onokazu , as one of them. This is a new feature of the Open Source CMS Award and is designed to recognize the contributions to projects made by individuals that often go unnoticed. As they stated,"for the large majority of Open Source projects, it is the tireless contributions from enthusiastic individuals that enable its growth and adoption and these are the people that Packt feels is necessary to identify." Some of the quotes of people who voted for him are: Quote: "A kind, hilarious person who develops one of the greatest Open Source content management system ever." "He is the founder of the best CMS ever made!" "He is the best coder I've ever seen" Please join us in congratulating our Founder and our friend, Onokazu, for this well deserved recognition!!!
Over 5,000 downloads of XOOPS 2.3.1 within the first two weeks  from XOOPS Project  (2008/10/28 0:00) 
XOOPS 2.3.1 was released just only two weeks ago, but we have already reached a major milestone - over 5,000 downloads so far!!! We as a Team XOOPS wanted to express our deepest appreciation for all the support we are getting from the community, for your involvement, for your help with bugs, for your creativity in developing new modules and themes!!! But most of all, we appreciate your support of new XOOPS users who are joining our community!!!! You've been in their shoes, so you know how it feels to start with XOOPS and sometimes feeling lost, and then a friendly comment in the XOOPS Support Forums gets you on the way to the right solution! And for that - a big THANK YOU !!!! While we are very pleased and happy with the progress, we are aware that there are still small glitches/bugs here and there, and therefore we appreciate your help in finding them, and helping us fixing them. Please log in all bugs and feature requests, so we can keep track of them: Report Bug ...
New Theme: Number  from XOOPS Project  (2008/10/27 23:50) 
This is a new theme, you can see the demo here at websxoops.com and you can download it here at websxoops.com
New design for Dev.XooFoo.org - Xoops Doc Api  from XOOPS Project  (2008/10/27 3:30) 
New look for Dev.XooFoo.org , the website for the Xoops Api Documentation.
Instant Theme  from XOOPS Project  (2008/10/27 2:30) 
XOOPSLand present for you, an other new theme called Instant Theme . Download it Theme in action !

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