UHQ-RadioBasic v1.01 Released
from XOOPS Project
(2008/9/6 11:50)
It's with great pleasure I announce the first full release of UHQ-RadioBasic! Originally born from the UHQ-Radio project, this basic edition's sole job is to provide a block which can provide a simple status for either a Shoutcast or IceCast based streaming radio station. It will also support an IceCast failover mount if you use one. This module parses XML stat files only, and thus you will need to get the appropriate passwords from your stream host. You can download it here .
NotificationHandler for D3 modules
(2008/9/6 6:02)
We know D3 modules have a difficulty about Notification. The NotificationHandler of X2 read the mail template only from ROOT/modules/(dirname)/language/(lang)/mail_template/(mail_template).tpl If there are no appropriate file, the event will be ignored. We have to make custom function named (foo)_trigger_event like d3forum or pico. This is not a good idea. Then, I've writtein a common method to notify them from D3 modules, into altsys. How to use: Just change the code from
$notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'notification' ) ;
$notification_handler->triggerEvent($category, $item_id, $event, $extra_tags, $user_list, $module_id, $omit_user_id);
require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/libs/altsys/class/D3NotificationHandler.class.php' ;
$notification_handler =& D3NotificationHandler::getInstance();
$notification_handler->triggerEvent($mydirname, $mytrustdirname, $category, $item_id, $event, $extra_tags, $user_list, $omit_user_i ...
My Tabs 2.1
from XOOPS Project
(2008/9/5 23:20)
What is mytabs Module (v2.1) ? ====================== With this Xoops module, your can create blocks with several tabs an blocks inside. The module can : . Create any blocks you want (just clone the original) . Create any pages (holders for tabs) you want so you can choose in the block what page to show . Create any tabs you want per page . Create any blocks you want per tabs . Set group view permissions per block/page, tab and block . Set time based tabs and blocks (auto-expiring) . Set blocks side: left, center or right. . Choose from 9 different page/block layouts . Use how many blocks you want in the same page or not (just clone and set them) . Many other goodies like cache, position, scroll, width, Show/hide other divs, link tab to url, onmouseover selection, etc Demo here: http://www.xoops.org Support here: http://www.xuups.com Download here: http://code.google.com/p/xuups/downloads/list
Gifts45.com got socialized
from XOOPS Project
(2008/9/4 6:40)
Gifts45.com is focusing on social news too After a long busy period, with no time for updates, we left other projects for a while, to implement onokazu's great social-news ( digg style ) module - Xigg Gifts45.com is now a better platform for site promotion (or products promotion) and is focusing in the"Shopping / Gifts / Travel" fields of interest. The site is heavily based on two main modules: weblinks and xigg (thank you Ohawada&ono for this exelent modules) Direct link to the new social news section is: http://www.gifts45.com/modules/Xigg/index.php/ ( we called it" what's on " ) Those who use our inTHEtube module and are interested to see what it inspired us to do with it (not xoops unfortunately, due to some tech issues) - can see : inTHEtube.TV - we liked the module - so we made a whole site around the inTHEtube idea ( site is in beta stage ) Tzvook
Our New Theme Gallery ready for Final Testing
from XOOPS Project
(2008/9/3 21:50)
In our constant drive to make XOOPS Website more user friendly, we have now our new XOOPS Theme Gallery ready for final testing. One missing item is still the breadcrump, but we are working on this. Each Theme will have own preview panel, from which you'll be able to: - see more info about the theme - download the theme - see a demo of the theme If you click on the Theme thumbnail, you'll have a preview window with a larger picture of the theme. You'll be able to navigate to next or previous theme, or you can close the window and be back where you started. To close the preview window you can click anywhere on the screen. Please let us know if you like this new XOOPS Theme Gallery . Big thanks to Burning for his hard work on this, and to Aph3x for his help on the GUI.
XCGAL - Search Patch 1.0
from XOOPS Project
(2008/9/3 20:10)
Xcgal Search Patch 1.0 Purpose of the Patch This patch is created to improve the search feature of the XCGAL module . The patch will include search by category and also search by custom fields (if enabled) Credits The Patch is developed by Vinod Surendran ( psindia ) under the guidance and support from Mowffak Ali ( arabxoops.com ). How to apply the patch >> The Patch works for XCGAL Version 2.04 >> To install the patch just replace the original files in the XCGAL module with this patched files. >> Remember to keep a backup of the original files. The files structure of the patch (zip) is as follows: xcgal ¦ search.php ¦ thumbnails.php ¦ +---include ¦ functions.inc.php ¦ search.inc.php ¦ +---templates | xcgal_search.html You Can Download it from here http://www.tenthstone.com/xcgal_patch.zip Donation If you like this work then please donate to us at http://tenthstone.com/donate
Foundation For Human and Humanitarian Rights - Lebanon
from XOOPS Project
(2008/9/2 6:50)
im so glade to announce you that www.fhhrl.org (Foundation For Human and Humanitarian Rights - Lebanon) is built with xoops. Again xoops prove without any doubt that it can be the best solution for any kind of websites. in this website i use : - wfchannel 1.07 to create mission , objectives and most pages of the web - xcgal (my favorite module ) is choosen to show the training pictures made by the foundation - my downloads : helped me to store different reports, themes,and campaings - with contact i made a small application form to let pple sending their suggestions and comments to the foundation - the latest news module has been choosen to wrote multiple articles and studies of the foundation -my links shows some friends websites and finaly the xtcal to show events dates in the foundation regarding the theme : the original one was UltraViolet Purple V2 http://www.xoopsdesign.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=61 but for some necessities i changed colours, width, and bullets to ...
Classifieds 1.2 RC1 Released
from XOOPS Project
(2008/9/2 6:40)
Version 1.2 RC1 This version is NOT Cloneable. Will be by the final version. This version NEEDS Frameworks. Get Frameworks Here 1. Fixed search result showing html code. 2. fixed captcha not working on the addlisting page. 3. added captcha to the preferences, use it or not. 4. Changed the way moderation works. It is no lomger an option in the preferences, it is in the category creation process. So now you moderate by category. 5. changed some functions names so they are unique(prevents fatal error when certain modules are installed). 6. changed search.inc.php so include_once for functions.php is always found. 7. changed some template files. 8. Now admin gets an e-mail if there is an ad waiting to be moderated. 9. added 2 more category fields in the category creation. 1. Moderate this category. 2. Moderate subcats for this category.
Wishtera theme
from XOOPS Project
(2008/9/1 23:40)
This theme has been based upon Theme Zenlike ( click here) I've fully redone the colors and added some other pictures - now it's red colored ! - and I hope you like it! Info - 3 columns - fullsize - based on Morphogenesis 2.10 Credits : (for theme zenlike:) - Free templates Zenkike from Nodethirtythree.com - Ported to Xoops by Xoops4Noobs.fr. - Theme based on Mor.pho.GEN.e.sis version 2.1, by kris ( http://www.xoofoo.org and http://www.frxoops.org ) - Initial work Snow77 (xoops-design.com), Skalpa, Leostotch + - Dugris for help (for my reworked version) - Reworked by Vampire Trix - Images by MiaMiaMia http://www.sxc.hu/profile/miamiamia Download: Click here Preview: Click here This theme was made for Acida Software..
Release of XOOPS 2.3 RC2
from XOOPS Project
(2008/9/1 20:50)
XOOPS 2.3 , the best ever version of XOOPS, and one of world's leading CMS solutions , is getting closer to a final release. The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.3.0 RC2 . The objective of XOOPS 2.3 is to merge the two existent branches of 2.0 and 2.2 and to build a bridge towards our next generation of system XOOPS 3.0. We appreciate very much all your feedback and feature requests received after previous releases, and based on that this Release Candidate brings several major improvements: - Extended Profile included - Private Messages included - Extended DHTML included as default - Added EXM Admin GUI We've also changed the module logo design to clearly show modules that are compatible with 2.3 We believe that with that XOOPS 2.3 is"feature ready"for the Final Release. We need only to get rid of all potential bugs, and we need your help in that!!! With XOOPS 2.3 releases, users will be able to learn some of new features that w ...