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Separating input forms by each languages  from PEAK XOOPS  (2008/6/20 11:49) 
Novices cannot input language tags skillfully. [en]English[/en][ja]Japanese[/ja] EMLH 1.30 supports such users to be able to input multilanguage strings easily. http://xoops.peak.ne.jp/md/mydownloads/singlefile.php?lid=50&cid=2 eg) with pico module, edit the template of *_main_content_form.html <input type="text" name="subject" id="subject" size="80" maxlength="255" value="<{$content.subject}>" /> will be divided two <input>s like this: English:<input type="text" name="subject[en]" id="subject[en]" size="80" maxlength="255" value="<{$content.subject|easiestml:"en"}>" />Japanese:<input type="text" name="subject[ja]" id="subject[ja]" size="80" maxlength="255" value="<{$content.subject|easiestml:"ja"}>" /> Note the filter ...
XOOPS Indonesia Support Site Opens  from XOOPS Project  (2008/6/18 15:50) 
We are happy to announce that we have now a new XOOPS Support Site in Indonesia As always, it is definitely very exciting to see that XOOPS is growing and winning new friends and supporters all over the world!!! So please welcome our new XOOPS friends in Indonesia and wish them Happy XOOPSing!!!
Official Xoops Smilie Dictionary  from XOOPS Project  (2008/6/18 13:10) 
The official smiley database has been published in the wiki, this is as a guide for smiles when you are extending your smiley database in xoops, I would love to one day see xoops have these all natively but I am unsure who should render them all. This is the Basic Smiles Not all of these are currently in xoops, but you can get the full smiley database from chronolabs wiki or here at the xoops wiki . Basic Smilies - Your basic smilie. ;-) - Winky smilie. - Frowning smilie. :-I - Indifferent smilie. :-> - User just made a really biting sarcastic remark. Worse than a . >:-> - User just made a really devilish remark. >;-> - Winky and devil combined. (-: - User is left handed %-) - User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight :*) - User is drunk 8*) - User is stoned on drugs [:] - User is a robot - User is wearing sunglasses B - Sunglasses on head : - User wears normal glasses B-) - User wears horn-rimmed glasses 8 - User is ...
Customize your latest news in powerfull block  from XOOPS Project  (2008/6/17 5:00) 
Arabxoops.com is happy to announce the release of Latest News block module. This module displays the latest news from the news module (1.56) in a block. Features: 1. Can set the number of articles to display, using one or more columns. 2. Can choose to display the title, author, date, comments link, and other display settings. 3. Can customize image properties in all articles (i.e. width, height, position, borders). 4. Can customize the number of letters to truncate each news item, without cutting off any words midway. Demo: arabic.islamic-call.net Download: click here Thanks To: Onasre, SaudiGear, ihackcode, trabis, hervé, taimor.aziz, veaglarwen.
ThAdmin: New Version 1.1 for Testing  from XOOPS Project  (2008/6/17 4:40) 
A new version of this module is now available on my site xoops.foreach.fr for testing. To download this latest version click here This version contain a new hack to correct an error with the system module and a new cp_functions.php structure (Thanks to D.J.). All the hack are in extras directory. ThAdmin Version 1.1 Author : MusS ThAdmin is a small module to manage the Xoops Admin area. You must install ("include\cp_functions.php") by transfering it by ftp after module installation. After the installation, you can see a new administration area:
MyDownloads 1.5  from XOOPS Project  (2008/6/17 4:40) 
Hello, With the support of AGFA and Mowaffak Ali ( www.arabxoops.com ), we are pleased to present a new version of the Xoops Mydownloads module. In this new version, you can set permissions to submit and see downloads. You can also, on the module's homepage, activate navigation links to see more downloads than the latest files. Finally, you can use a global RSS feed or by category. The French, English and Arabic translations (in the module) are up to date. The files with the Danish and Spanish translations are not up to date. You can download the file at this address : http://xoops.instant-zero.com/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=13&lid=33 If you are updating an existing installation on your site, just copy files to your site, taking care to overwrite existing files, and Update it. Then, remember to adjust permissions by category or your users will not see anything. Best regards, Instant Zero
x-Torrent 1.47 - New Release  from XOOPS Project  (2008/6/16 20:20) 
Module: x-Torrents Author: Simon Roberts (+ Others) Version: 1.47 SourceForge: X-Torrent Wiki: X-Torrent on Xoops Chronodoc: x-Torrent 1.47 X-Torrent is a complete torrent solution for Xoops 2.3 plus earlier and later versions. There is al ot of potential in torrent sharing, this allows you a company, business, personal or educational institute to distribute data via torrents which is useful. Due to the large volume of difference between internet speeds in the world, torrents now consist of over 18% of broadband traffic. Torrents are becoming a commodity these day from small to large files. Currently x-Torrent offers a large range of options, but we will be releasing a new version in around 6 months, if some spare time comes in we will be writing in more options and systems. x-Torrent is a module which offer full control of torrents in xoops, it will poll the torrents as well as download file information, seeds, leeches, trackers etc, of the torrent. Change Log - 1.47 • RS ...
eXtCal 2.2.0 is out  from XOOPS Project  (2008/6/16 14:50) 
Good news from Zoullou : one of the best XOOPS Calendar module has been updated: eXtCal 2.2.0 is out after few month of developement. This version is a stable release, so you could use it on production site. The 2 biggest added feature are reccuring event and a feature to allow"online module update". This feature is very usefull when you have several site that use the module and you want to have up to date module. Download it from here... Thank you, Zoullou for your hard work!!!
A preload makes cubeUtils compatible with EMLH  from PEAK XOOPS  (2008/6/13 16:24) 
For multilanguation, I often use such a flagment of php code in my modules like this: if( function_exists('easiestml') ) {$mail_body = easiestml( $mail_body ) ;} This code removes language tags and needless text from text for e-mail etc. If you use XCL2.1 with cubeUtils module instead of EMLH, just try this preload with MultiLanguagePreLoad.class.php of cubeUtils. MultiLanguageCompatibleEMLH.class.php <?phpfunction easiestml( $s ){if( is_object( @$GLOBALS['cubeUtilMlang'] ) ) {return $GLOBALS['cubeUtilMlang']->obFilter( $s ) ;} else {return $s ;}} This preload allows you to process multilingual email eg) pico's form mail
New site from Brasil  from XOOPS Project  (2008/6/11 10:48) 
I made this site to blog or news. I use: wordpress newbb (cbb 308) news wfdownload xmmemberstats statistics sitemap contatc The theme is zetagenesis with the inclusion of advertisements google at the top and the bottom of the site. The banner appears at the top and also appears footer. Visit us at http://janercristaldo.com/

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