Tiny Blocks (for XOOPS 2.2* ONLY)
from XOOPS Project
(2008/5/6 6:13)
===================================== Tiny Blocks 1.0 (for XOOPS 2.2* ONLY) ===================================== Install: + Make BACKUP of your modules/system/ directory + Upload the tinyblocks and system directory\'s to your server, + Overwrite all existing files, + Update the system module, + Install tinyblocks as a normal module. Functions: + Make blocks with Tiny Editor, + Edit your created blocks with Tiny Editor, + Delete your created blocks, Errors (Bugs): + If you turn on PHP Debug then you get an error. (This doesn\'t matter.) Requirements: + XOOPS 2.2* + Tiny Editor Credits: + Made by DM Software Development ( http://www.dylian.melgert.net ). Tiny Blocks (for XOOPS 2.2* ONLY)
X-Soap 3.0 Alpha
from XOOPS Project
(2008/5/6 2:30)
Module: x-Soap Author: Simon Roberts Version: 3.0 Alpha Wiki: X-Soap x-Soap is an extension library for XOOPS, it is a soap server that is design to have a secure syndication method for customised crons and systems integration with a 3rd Party. You can share any part of your xoops database securely with x-soap plugins include post, retrieve and update, views&schemers control, you can introduce your own plug-in for the system, complete with permission's and access rights. Has its own plug-in interface which can be controlled by user groups, includes password and username interface. SOAP is a w3c Standard XML Exchange, this a full WDSL and Standard Soap Server for XOOPS. Download Previous Version: xoops2_xsoap_2.3.zip (171Kb) Change notes: * WDSL XML Generator * Native PHP Soap Extension Support * Same old features. THIS IS NOT RECOMMEND FOR PRODUCTION MACHINES IT IS ONLY AN ALPHA.. Forum: X-Soap Alpha Download: X-Soap 3.0 - Alpha
from XOOPS Project
(2008/5/6 1:00)
Check who's watching your XOOPS site by simply copy and paste an ip from the who's online block to the search field and you will know if it's a bot or a visitor... Demo Download
Google Talk Module
from XOOPS Project
(2008/5/4 15:10)
The Google Talk module will implement Google Talk to your website so that you and your visitors can chat with friends from within your XOOPS site... The chat window is iframed from Google so it will not influence on your bandwith. Demo Download
XOOPS Web Tools Module
from XOOPS Project
(2008/5/3 7:10)
Arabxoops.com is happy to announce you the release of an improved version of the Xoops Web Tools module based on PHP-Nuke Tools ver 3.0 ( www.disipal.net ). The XOOPS Web Tools module is one of the most helpful modules. Whether you are developing for XOOPS or want to write a module or block really quickly, or even if you just want to learn how modules, blocks and the rest works in XOOPS, you will appreciate its help.. It offers features such as: - HTML to PHP/ASP/JSP/Perl/Javascript/SWS - XOOPS Module/Block Creator - Meta Tag/Scrollbar/Popup Creator - Source/HTML/URL/Email/Rot-13 Encoder - Online HTML Editor - Hex Colors - Previewer - Duplicate Remover Demo: click here Download: click here Tip Especially recommended for beginners (but not only)! If you are a beginner in XOOPS, have just started your very first module or block, but you get errors and don't understand why? Give it a try with the XOOPS Web Tools Module or Block Creator! It will help you see what yo ...
xpetitions 0.19 BETA1
from XOOPS Project
(2008/5/2 23:40)
Hello, "XPETITIONS" Module evolves/moves with new functionalities required by the users. "XPETITIONS" is a module of multilangages petitions on lines developed for xoops v.2.0.x. It enables you to manage as many petitions as you wish, extract the signatories by csv file, to decorate your forms of signature by controls captcha, etc. Developed additional functionalities: - Settings: Signatures validation by email or double click - Settings: Choice of the Editor type (for the seizure of the petitions) - Management of the signatures: Forced validation of the unconfirmed signatories - Management of the emails (NEW): Modification of the emails contents sent to the authors of signatures - Management of the fields (NEW): Management of the visible and required form fields of the petitions signatures - Style sheet: Modification of the petitions dynamic bars(clear: both) - Signature Form: Dynamic message following selected option (email or Automatic) - Signatures (visualiz ...
WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter # 8
from XOOPS Project
(2008/5/1 23:00)
Another month, and another issue of the WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter (see here previous versions ). We appreciate your comments, feedback, and improvement suggestions, as we want WOX to be the best publication for XOOPS Users. There are several very exciting things that happened in April, and we hope that May will be the same, if not better! The biggest breaking news of April was, of course, the fact that Onokazu , the Founder of XOOPS , will be joining our newly created XOOPS Advisory Board . Please help us to welcome the"Father of XOOPS"back with us!!! The second exciting news is that we are establishing the XOOPS Innovation Award - for people who create something very unique and innovative for XOOPS. And the third exciting news is that XOOPS Dev Forge is open for business. We thank all people who helped us to re-install and test it. In this issue: New XOOPS developments AWARDS/Recognitions XOOPSer of the Month XOOPS Innovation Awards New Module ...
Email Login preload for XCL2.1
(2008/4/30 5:36)
Somehow, I cannot find EmailLogin for XCL2.1, though it must have been already created by someone. Then, I've just created a preload. Download and try it. http://www.peak.ne.jp/support/xoops/XCL_EmailLoginHack.tar.gz Of course, you can use this preload with cubeUtils module (auto-login).
International Support Team Formed
from XOOPS Project
(2008/4/29 19:30)
We are happy to announce that we have formed a XOOPS International Support Team . This team, comprised of Webmasters of XOOPS Local Support Sites, will work on: - improving XOOPS international support around the world - exchanging information about local issues - improving globalization/translations of XOOPS - define a translation process for local translations teams - define needed translation tools - define translation requirements for XOOPS, so the local teams have an easier job doing the translations - improving sharing of Best Practices - create a"Tool Kit"for new XOOPS International Support Websites - create a process to feed back to XOOPS local innovations and ideas. There are cool local modules or themes, but the world doesn't know it because the author is not fluent in English. This team will be coordinated by Runeher . We are extremely happy to have him on the XOOPS team - he is one of the new and dedicated XOOPS supporters, who are discovering XOOPS and are jumping on bo ...
Video Tube v1.1 Released&Available
from XOOPS Project
(2008/4/29 19:20)
Video Tube v1.1 Update has been submitted here at XOOPS.org and it is also available to be downloaded at Custom Virtual Designs It contains several bug fixes and has been tested on 2.0.16 and 2.2.6 sites. The download page provides full details regarding bug fixes and new features. I would like to express my appreciation to everyone that helped field test this release.