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Yogurt Social Network 3.2 (RC1)  from XOOPS Project  (2008/4/18 19:30) 
This is an RC release and is not recommended for production sites yet!!! You have been warned!!! Yogurt Social Network version 3.2. RC1 By Marcello Brandão Yogurt by Marcello Brandão is licensed under a Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 Brazil. ============================ This module features a simple Social Network for your xoops site. Very recommended for communities sites. It allows users to have a personal album of pictures, a personal album of videos from youtube, a list of friends, a public wall for messages(scraps), to create communities (tribes), to adjust configs to set who can see what, it also allows Admins to block users from using the site for a certain amount of time. The use of the module is very simple and the front end is clean and beautiful thanks to the lightbox2 feature and to jquery tabs. ====================== DOWNLOAD http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=204109
New Module: Xoops Calculator Deluxe  from XOOPS Project  (2008/4/18 8:40) 
Advanced flash calculator with conversion tools and changable skins. Install as a normal module. Download here Try it here before you download.
Rss center in Arabic  from XOOPS Project  (2008/4/18 7:50) 
Rss center Version:0.9 -Fix Arabic character. -Arabic language translated. -Change templates files to rtl. If you need only Arabic files, you can download from http://linux2.ohwada.net You need to download Happy Linux Framework. Here Download Rssc v0.9. Here demo my website
Calling for XOOPS Developers  from XOOPS Project  (2008/4/17 20:50) 
Dear XOOPS Developers, there are some exciting news coming up, and we'll need your help!!! 1) http://dev.xoops.org has been reinstalled, and before we go live with it, we need some of the XOOPS developers who have been using it before and have their modules there, to test it. If you would like to help us with the tests, it, please contact us 2) Module developers are encouraged to use XOOPS SVN for their code so that developers can share their ideas and help each other easily. It will also be a centralized place convenient for users to check module updates. A new subdirectory for XOOPS modules has been set up: http://xoops.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xoops/XoopsModules/ Please read the Readme.txt file there, with some links to information about how to use SVN and TortoiseSVN. Going forward, we want to leverage more the expertise of our community and focus on code reuse, so keeping the code together will help us to achieve that. 3) And now the most important thing: Star ...
Improving resource.db.php by hooking XoopsTpl on XCL2.1  from PEAK XOOPS  (2008/1/10 4:53) 
resource.(type).php is a smarty plugin controlling: - which template source is adopted - how new is the template Since default template resource of XOOPS is "db:", resource. db .php is the most important file. Default resource.db.php of XCL2.1 has problems like: (1) With "default" theme, DB templates will be broken easily (2) Templates under theme will stay alive even after the theme is changed (3) Paths of templates under theme should be flat because "db:" is flat. (4) Directory name of "template under theme" is not unified. (templates or modules) (5) A template file under theme is not recognized its deletion (6) A template file under theme is not recognized its addition if the compile cache is newer than the file I've made a new resource.db.php solving the problems (1),(2),(3), and (4). Of course, it is not a hack. Just using "XoopsTpl Hooking" by preload, we can put the file under XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/libs/smartyplugins/ ...
Project Honey Pot (1)  from PEAK XOOPS  (2008/1/8 6:31) 
You can use http:BL as useful comment/trackback spamming Black List with Protector 3.16 Here is the procedure. (1) go to http://projecthoneypot.org/ and get account, then login. (2) Services -> HTTP Blacklist and get the key (12 alphabets) for yourself. (3) copy XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/modules/protector/filters_disabled/postcommon_post_deny_by_httpbl.php into XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/modules/protector/filters_enabled/ (4) modify '............' into your key in the file. // get your 12-character access key from http://www.projecthoneypot.org/define( 'PROTECTOR_HTTPBL_KEY' , '............' ) ;
How to hook XoopsTpl with XCL2.1  from PEAK XOOPS  (2007/11/1 6:03) 
This tips is a part of my session in XCDM#1. You can hook renderer of XCL2.1 entirely just putting a preload. First, read the source code of a preload named "HdXoopsTplHook.class.php". A directory "XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/libs/smartyplugins" is inserted into the top of an array $xoopsTpl->plugins_dir. This looks like ryusSmartyPluginsEx. http://ryus.co.jp/modules/wordpress/index.php?p=57 But you should notice the different between addition and insertion. By insertion, you can also hook almost smarty plugins. The most important target is resource.db.php. (I'll show a god sample to hook resource.db.php in the next time) And the method of hook() also sets the selected theme as "compile_id". This allows you to select themes with templates for the theme. Certainly, this looks the same way as the core from xoops.org. But you should know such a strong hooking is achieved just by adding an extra file. There are no core files overwritten. (Then y ...
XoopsCube Developers Meeting #1  from PEAK XOOPS  (2007/10/29 5:43) 
Yesterday, I took part in XCDM#1. In the meeting, minahito tried to wash our brain. "What does the project give us" "What do we give the project". Certainly, both XOOPS projects don't look like common OpenSource Projects. We should think "what is OSS", again. # Marijuna gave me "XOOPS Cube Legacy Developer's bible" # I'll read it soon.
Extending features of pico by smarty plugins(2)  from PEAK XOOPS  (2007/10/3 5:26) 
Here is the specs of pico's form processing system. Plugins processing forms inside pico formmail send an email to "adminmail" formmail4fleamarket send an email to the creator of the content. store the query into extra table (admins can refer it in admin area) survey no emails will be sent. just store the query into extra table (admins can refer it in admin area) Of course, you can change default behaviors by adding parameters. eg) add a parameter of to="" inside Valid parameters for the plugins processing forms of pico Any parameters can be missed. Default values are defined in language files. mail_body_pre The mail body before query contents for the query mail. mail_body_post The mail body after query contents for the query mail. mail_subject Subject for the query mail to Additional "to" for the query mail. A comma should be used as the separator between mail addresses from "from" for the query mail. from_name name part of "from" for th ...
A Greasemonkey script for SNS (2)  from PEAK XOOPS  (2007/10/2 12:27) 
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