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Starting to debug Cube 2.1beta  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/10/18 3:53) 
In 2.1beta, XoopsErrorHandler rivives (sigh...)If you join to debug Cube 2.1beta, disable XoopsErrorHandler at first.Use log_errors instead.line 66 of class/errorhandler.php[code]function XoopsErrorHandler(){[color=ff0000]//[/color] set_error_handler('XoopsErrorHandler_HandleError');[color=ff0000]//[/color] register_shutdown_function('XoopsErrorHandler_Shutdown');}[/code]Let's start to debug Cube 2.1beta!
Limitation of D3's front controller  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/10/17 17:47) 
XoopsCube 2.1 beta has just released today (17 Oct 2006).Cube 2.1beta judges admin mode or not by ...[code]if(count($urlInfo)> =3) {if(strtolower($urlInfo[0])=="modules"&&strtolower($urlInfo[2])=="admin"){$adminStateFlag=true;}elseif($urlInfo[0] =="modules"&&$urlInfo[1] =="system"&&substr($urlInfo[2], 0, 9) =="admin.php") {$adminStateFlag=true;}}elseif(substr($urlInfo[0], 0, 9) =="admin.php") {$adminStateFlag=true;}[/code]This judgement is fatal head wind against D3's front controller model.I have to abondon admin's front controller.This change also affects XOOPS_ROOT side of wraps and d3forum.
Tthree reactions against a report of vulnerabilites  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/10/16 18:01) 
There are three types of reactions when a developper is reported vulnerabilities from someone.(A) get angry with the reporterSuch a developper exists (existed?) though you cannot believe it.(B) no answer to the reporter fixes it without notice.This is onokazu style :-)(C) thanks to the reporter and fixes it quickly.This is the best way I believe.I'm glad to know that -monsuke- the author of member module is one of them.
Think"why"  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/10/15 16:24) 
The module of hakusen is closed now.That's why hakusen has some vulnerabilities and the author suin cannot maintain it soon.I've just checked"member"module base on hakusen.It surprise me about the vulnerabities is still there.Module authors and users should think"why"the module is not released now.
D3 - language management  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/10/14 4:47) 
XoopsLanguageChecker 2.10 can manage language files of D3 module.When language constans are added, it inserts lines of define() with"$constpref"into modinfo.php and blocks_each.php of the other languages.
d3forum alpha release  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/10/13 18:44) 
I'm proud to release"d3forum"as D3 module.How to install (almost same as wraps):- define XOOPS_TRUST_PATH in xoops_version.php- copy html/ of the archive into XOOPS_ROOT_PATH- copy xoops_trust_path/ of the archive into XOOPS_TRUST_PATHCharacteristic Specs:- Fully scratched codes irrelevant to newbb or phpbb.- Clear hierarchy category, forum, topic, and post.- Tree structured category.- Detailed permissioning per a category or a forum. (users and groups)- Preferences override system per a category or a forum.- Guest post- Detailed and exact controlls about textsanitizer- Topic attribute - invisible, lock, sticky, solved, marked, and read.- Post attribute - invisible, and hide_uid- Approval for posts- Import from newbb1 or xhnewbb- etc.
D3 - assign to Smarty (2)  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/10/12 18:20) 
(Just summary in English, sorry)How to assign Array into Smarty.With D3, I'll add suffix'_raw'for raw assigned data.When you use such variables, don't forget add a pipe"|escape".
Strike while the iron is hot  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/10/11 17:44) 
(sorry, just summary in English)In open source community, one developper is in ZONE while the other developpers are out of ZONE.eg)As I'm centering on developping d3forum, I can reply nothing about the other modules now.How to solve this differences of heat...
D3 - assign to Smarty  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/10/10 6:21) 
(Just summary in English, sorry)Cube2.1 assigns data as Objects into Smarty.D3 module assigns data as Arrays into Smarty.Cube2.1 assigns a string as is (raw data).D3 module assigns a string filtered by htmlspecialchars().These are important differences.
MyTextSanitizer::htmlSpecialChars()  from PEAK XOOPS Support&Experiment  (2006/10/9 17:58) 
nobunobu's document how to treat&.http://www.nobunobu.com/blog/2006/05/20/mytextsanitizer-2/Though I'm waiting No."3", he've never released it. :-DPerhaps, better way (though it is not the best) will be adding an option about entitying rule.

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