About Us 1.04 Beta 1 released for testing
from XOOPS Web Application System
(2016/1/7 3:00)
The"About"module is for adding"About Us"section to your Website. It allows adding a multi-page section, as well as external links. It was originally developed by Susheng Yang (ezsky) and Mengjue Shao (magic.shao). It is a simple module, but it could be quite useful, since it is very easy to use. REQUIREMENTS : - PHP 5.5+ (the new official minimum PHP version for XOOPS. It might work on PHP 5.3.7+, but we don't test anymore on it) - XOOPS (if you don't have it, you should update TODAY) DOWNLOAD : About repository on GitHub CONTRIBUTING : please fork About module on GitHub and submit your improvements there BUGS/ISSUES: GitHub Issues TUTORIAL : Available on GitBooks . It is in the early stages, and we need your help to make useful To help, you can fork the Tutorial from GitHub and provide you submissions there To check out other XOOPS Tutorials, please visit XOOPS section on GitBooks Discussion about this module: please use this thr ...
from IMCB?The University of Tokyo
(2016/1/6 18:57)
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Publisher 1.02 Final Released
from XOOPS Web Application System
(2016/1/5 18:50)
We are pleased to announce the release of Publisher 1.02 Final module Publisher module is a Publishing Solution for your XOOPS Website. With it you can publish News, Blogs, Documentation, etc. The key features: Categories and Subcategories Pages custom templates File Wrapping Page/Category images File attachments Scheduled publishing and expiration Order by date, ratings, sort order Ratings Comments SEO RSS feed Permissions: Submissions, Submit/Edit fields, Categories, Pages, Moderation (global) different XOOPSeditors Import from SmartSection and News modules Easy cloning (change the directory name) We would like to thank all XOOPS users who contributed to this release by reporting bugs and providing fixes, especially (alphabetically): - black_beard - bleekk - brutalicuss - cesagonchu - cifug - dante7237 - geekwright - ggoffy - mjoel - noo-b - slider84 - zyspec Without your support, this release could not happen! REQUIREMENTS : - PHP 5.5+ (the new offi ...
XOOPS Security Patch Released
from XOOPS Web Application System
(2016/1/2 23:26)
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of a security patch for XOOPS Final. This patch for XOOPS corrects multiple issues. We would like to specifically thank Tim Coen of ( Curesec GmbH ) , who notified us about these issues. All XOOPS 2.5.7 users are advised to apply this patch as soon as possible. It is also recommended that all XOOPS administrators practice defense in depth, including: - have the Protector module installed active - stay current with all patches - be cautious with administative account use (only when needed, no autologin) - caution in clicking links in messages and other untrusted sources Download: You can download the patch from XOOPS File Repository on SourceForge NOTE 1: Any users that are running an older XOOPS version are advised to update to XOOPS now, which includes the patch. You can find more information about the original XOOPS 2.5.7 release in this article -------------------------------- ...
Hotel Room Reservation System on XOOPS
from XOOPS Web Application System
(2015/12/31 5:20)
I've discovered few days ago on on Google Code an interesting XOOPS module for Hotel Room Reservation ! While it is 5 years old, it seems very advanced, and it got very good score from Scrutinizer : But it was hard to understand sometimes the features, because it was hard-coded in Chinese. So the first thing that I did was to convert it to use language variables and upgrade it to XOOPS 2.5.x GUI, and now it should be easier to study it At the moment I don't know if it will be generic enough to use it, but at least we should be able to extract some ideas and some code for other modules. Anybody wants to help? You know the drill: FORK IT and contribute back! https://github.com/mambax7/xoops-martin This Hotel Reservation System reminds me of another very cool module developed by Philou from XOOPS France: the Repair Shop , which also scored very high: You can check out the documentation here (in English and French ), and the module is on GitHub :
Helium Admin Theme is coming to XOOPS 2.6.0
from XOOPS Web Application System
(2015/12/28 10:30)
Eduardo (aka Bitcero) just shared a picture of his new Admin theme he is working on for to XOOPS 2.6.0. It is called"Helium"and as you can see below, it looks AWESOME!!!! You can see it in a full glory and detail on GitHub Eduardo is a true artist, and I love the fact that the them is using colors and that even the icons are also with colors! Too many CMS projects are using only one color for the theme, with all icons being in another color. That's way too boring! Please help us with testing and with contributing to the next version of XOOPS!!!! You can find some useful links for XOOPS 2.6.0 in this article
from IMCB?The University of Tokyo
(2015/12/25 19:00)
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New free theme wgHouse
from XOOPS Web Application System
(2015/12/25 7:40)
Hello Xoops Users, as a small gift for Christmas I would like to present my latest theme wgHouse is a theme for XOOPS ( www.xoops.org ) - Full Responsive Theme - OnePage-Design: each block area gets an own section and can be style individually - 3 diffent navbars included: for changing the style simply change the value of'<{assign var=navtype value=3}>'in theme.html - developed with Bootstrap version 3 This theme is not developed for blogs or similar pages, it is primary for presentation of a company. Online demo and download: http://xoops.wedega.com Live demo: http://gala-schmidbauer.de On this site I used only blocks to show the information. The position of the different blocks works as follow: - Header - Left Blocks - Center Block left - Center Block Center - Center Block Right - Blocks Right - Content - Bottom Blocks left | Bottom Blocks Center |Bottom Blocks Right Used modules on this site: - Xoops - Publisher 1.0 - Contact 2.23 (from https://github.com/myx ...
Happy Holidays&Happy New Year to ALL XOOPS Users and Friends!!!
from XOOPS Web Application System
(2015/12/24 10:10)
For those who celebrate Christmas - Merry Christmas! And for ALL of our users and friends of XOOPS, regardless of your faith: Happy New Year!!! 2016 will be a great year for XOOPS, as many of the things that we've been working on (especially Richard, our Core Team leader) will be finally coming to fruition! To see what's coming, please check out our GitHub repositories : - XOOPS 2.6.0 Core - XOOPS 2.6.0 Modules - XOOPS 2.6.0 Roadmap and especially the great work Eduardo (bitcero) is doing on: - XOOPS 2.6.0 Enhanced Admin GUI Please also check out our other Github repositories: - XOOPS Documentation - XOOPS current Themes - XOOPS 2.5.x Modules - XOOPS 2.0.14+ Themes, 3 columns - XOOPS 2.0.14+ Themes (2 columns) - XOOPS Theme Archive (Themes for XOOPS
12 New Themes from Tad0616
from XOOPS Web Application System
(2015/12/20 13:10)
There are 12 new themes from Tad0616 from XOOPS Taiwan that you can download from our Theme repository on GitHub . Tad0616 is doing great job with themes and he also developed several fantastic modules that I highly recommend to take a look at. As always, we encourage you to fork the themes and modules, and contribute back to the developer! Viva XOOPS! Download: - beauty_class - theme2014 - school2012 - school2014 - sailing - randall - randall_bootstrap001 - infoway - corporate_blue - bootstrap-biz - white