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New XOOPS Google Page: Les amis de Xoops France  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2013/1/8 19:21) 
Thanks to the initiative of our friend Alain01 Xoops France team is pleased to present its new Google page called Les amis de Xoops France . This page will in addition to Twitter and Facebook to submit modules, participate in comments and follow frxoops.org publications. We invite you to visit and register See you soon
New XOOPS Google Page: Les amis de Xoops France  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2013/1/8 19:21) 
Thanks to the initiative of our friend Alain01 Xoops France team is pleased to present its new Google page called Les amis de Xoops France . This page will in addition to Twitter and Facebook to submit modules, participate in comments and follow frxoops.org publications. We invite you to visit and register See you soon
FBComment 1.0 RC Available  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2013/1/5 11:36) 
geekwright is proud to announce the availability of a release candidate of FBComment 1.0. FBComment is a module for XOOPS systems that provides easy access to Facebook(R) social plugins for both Like Buttons and Comments. This functionality is provided through standard XOOPS blocks which can be added to virtually any page. In this way, page specific comments can be added quickly without requiring any changes to module templates. Open Graph meta tags are automatically added to pages where the blocks are used, and additional page specific data can be easily specified using the built in Open Graph meta data editor. Download is here: http://geekwright.com/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?lid=5 * Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.
FBComment 1.0 RC Available  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2013/1/5 11:36) 
geekwright is proud to announce the availability of a release candidate of FBComment 1.0. FBComment is a module for XOOPS systems that provides easy access to Facebook(R) social plugins for both Like Buttons and Comments. This functionality is provided through standard XOOPS blocks which can be added to virtually any page. In this way, page specific comments can be added quickly without requiring any changes to module templates. Open Graph meta tags are automatically added to pages where the blocks are used, and additional page specific data can be easily specified using the built in Open Graph meta data editor. Download is here: http://geekwright.com/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?lid=5 * Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.
XOOPS Featured on SourceForge  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2013/1/4 18:06) 
This week SourceForge is featuring projects that have won"Project of the Month"during 2012: https://sourceforge.net/blog/featured-projects-2012123/ As you remember, XOOPS won the Project of the Month for August 2012, , therefore we're automatically featured there as well! It is definitely a great exposure for XOOPS among all the SourceForge users!
XOOPS Featured on SourceForge  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2013/1/4 18:06) 
This week SourceForge is featuring projects that have won"Project of the Month"during 2012: https://sourceforge.net/blog/featured-projects-2012123/ As you remember, XOOPS won the Project of the Month for August 2012, , therefore we're automatically featured there as well! It is definitely a great exposure for XOOPS among all the SourceForge users!
News Theme for Publisher Module  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2013/1/3 2:44) 
The theme for the news Publisher module Theme Design : http://www.designzzz.com/design-a-min ... t-for-your-personal-site/ Adapted for Xoops: B.Heyula ! Theme Demo : http://xoopstasarim.com/modul-demo/ Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops ... Themes/haber.zip/download Themes: http://www.xoops-tr.com/modules/myalbum/ Thanks for the module : Trabis Thank you for Slider : Mariane
Updated Roadmap for XOOP 2.6.0  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2012/12/31 21:20) 
The Core Team is hard at work on XOOPS 2.6.0, as you can see from their commits to SVN (Remember, you can subscribe to our SVN mailing list to be notified about all SVN submissions.) Below is the updated Roadmap for XOOPS 2.6.0: Alpha 2 · Extracting some functionality from Core into separate extensions or modules. - Comments. - Notifications. - Image manager. - Search. - qrcode - logger - xcaptcha - xlanguage · Integration of PDF library. - use html2pdf in extension"pdf"( http://html2pdf.fr/en/default ) · Content module. - In order to easily add content"out of the box". · Menu Module. - This system allow to create all kind of menus. Everything in green is done. Alpha 3 · Adding a theme manager in the system module. - This section allows you to manage themes like modules so you can install, uninstall, or disable a theme. - We can of course add a few settings in the theme (eg. Logo, size, etc. ..) and all these settings will be visible in t ...
Xoops site about the legendary Commodore 64  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2012/12/29 17:08) 
I have been used Xoops for my websites since 2005 now. This is my ninth site created with Xoops. This site hosting longplays (walkthrough videos) of Commodore 64 games. The user can choose to download or watch the video on youtube. I'm using the Bleek_Party theme with a few modifications. This theme works pretty well. But I think I will hire someone to make a more appropriate theme. Anyone? The modules I use: TDMDownloads XDonations Xoopspoll Membership CBB/NewBB News Smartfaq The site was started just two weeks ago. So there is not much activity yet. Link: www.recordedc64games.org
Basic Module Pack for XOOPS 2.5.5 (recently updated Final releases)  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2012/12/24 8:20) 
There was a progress over the last few days with finalizing some of the modules that will be part of our XOOPS Basic Module Pack . All these modules use the XOOPS 2.5.5 Admin GUI, so they share a very similar"look and feel", thus lowering the learning curve. Together with modules already released earlier, here is the updated current Basic Module Pack: Avaman 0.22 Final Avaman Module manages Avatars and Smilies for the user Backup 3.3 Final A module to allow you to easily backup and/or restore your MySQL database. Features: ============= 1 backup XOOPS data and store in three ways: on the server, download immediately(admin only) or sent by email(URL or attachments) 2 tables can be select to be exported separately. useful for large tables 3 file number stored on local server can be configured 4 backup can be made by admin or via cronjob 5 restore XOOPS data from db files exported the module or by any db management script like phpmyadmin 6 capable for large file import by mul ...

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