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XDBus: Free Template for XOOPS  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2011/3/23 14:00) 
XDBus is based on the theme Zetagenesis core of Xoops. This template adapted from the template PSD Business works with xoops 2.4.5 and more It displays three columns, one of which right has a width of 170 pixels and the other to the left of 170 pixels. It is compatible with Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer You can download this theme from this link.
Ohio, Indiana, Northern Kentucky PHP Users Group goes XOOPS  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2011/3/22 0:43) 
I am pleased to let you know that the Ohio, Indiana, Northern Kentucky PHP Users Group decided to use XOOPS for their new Website: http://oink-pug.org/ I'll be doing some tweaking over the next few weeks, so if you have any improvement suggestions, please let me know. And at tonight's meeting I'll be presenting XOOPS to the group members. Hopefully this will result in even more XOOPS-powered Websites in Ohio, Indiana, and Northern Kentucky. Viva XOOPS!
Xortify 2.31 - Include #Stop #Forum #Spam dot COM P#rovider  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2011/3/19 21:46) 
Xortify - Fortify your XOOPS. Xortify is a network security drone that uses Web 2.0 techniques to link between your XOOPS installs and other via a XML Cloud. This will prevent security intrusions to your xoops with accurate deceptive notation of the intruder and prevent any farmed attacks. It is an accessory and required Protector to be installed an running to be part of the hookup. Otherwise it will run without protector just make sure you deselect protector as a provider. It will display a template if you are banned and is an accessory to protector or any other firewall technology. The site itself is driven from www.xortify.com .. Cloud computing is web 2.0/3.0 stuff it used a SOAP XML exchange backend to work, this will eventually be included in xoops as a support class, that is SOAP protocol. A cloud computing process is one which staggers multiple networks sometime and mainly unknown to the webmaster into a network or cloud of data. In this example it is IP and Netaddy na ...
Workplace safety website upgrades, but still XOOPS!  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2011/3/19 10:42) 
Hello In 2009 we released this website and now it's time for an upgrade. You can see here the old version and now the new one... http://segsul.com.br The modules are as usual: - News 1.66 - Mastop Publish 1.1 - Liaise 1.27 - Latest News 0.72 - XHLD (headlines) Hope you like it!
XOOPS moves up to Top 10 on SourceForge  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2011/3/19 1:10) 
It looks like the recent"Community Showcase"Blog on SourceForge called "XOOPS, There it is! A CMS for the Masses" helped in spreading the message about XOOPS In the last couple of days XOOPS moved up to Top 10 overall projects on SourceForge! Yesterday we were at #9, today we are at #7 (see here ) While the ranking always fluctuates, and in few weeks we could be way lower than today, it is a good feeling to be the Top 10 project! Of course, we hope that all the improvements and new developments that we're doing on XOOPS, will actually help us to keep that position, as more people will join our community and contribute. While some people don't care about ranking, it's a good indicator how active and vibrant is the project and the community, and thus a good news for all of us! Viva XOOPS!
Classifieds 2.52 released  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2011/3/18 2:47) 
Classifieds 2.52 released. This is just bug-fix version. Fixed the search not working properly, if you used a keyword and any other option (state/region, category or price range) the results were not right, it was ignoring the keyword. Now the search works even if you don't use a keyword, just choose a state/region or category and you will get back results. You can not just enter the price range, you must choose one other option (keyword, category or state/region). Get the download HERE . report any problems HERE . Thanks, John
XOOPS 2.5.1 RC Is Released  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2011/3/17 12:50) 
XOOPS 2.5.1 RC Release The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.1 RC. Several bugs have been fixed as well as security enhancement based on Aung Khant's report. Please be aware that the bugfix is not complete and 2.5 series will be following small but frequent release rule. We hope that users who have already installed XOOPS 2.5 can take advantage of the quick and frequent fixes instead of waiting for one final complete bugfix while leaving their websites open to bugs. This 2.5 series builds on the XOOPS 2.4.x series with objectives of usability improvements instead of architecture or API changes. The system module is updated with a major redesign with jQuery based AJAX, done mainly by ForMusS, kraven_30, Mage with contributions from trabis, voltan, Kris_fr, onokazu etc. Besides usability, some proof-of-concept experiments have also been proven for module and theme development. Unavoidably there are bugs and incompatibility introduced. Developers ar ...
Donations 1.01  from XOOPS Web Application System  (2011/3/17 2:56) 
Donations 1.01 Donations is a module for recieving donations on your website , it uses the XPayment gateway to ensure you have all the options you need to bill donations through XPayment. XPayment plugin included. Donations will allow you to assign users to a particular group when they make a donations, it has target and period cycle as well as using a block or form entry to allow your clients to make a donation to your website. It requires XPayment 1.29 or later. Features: XPayment Plugin Donation Group Profile Module date field Download: xoops2.5_donations_1.01.zip - 40Kb Mirror: xoops2.5_donations_1.01.zip - 40Kb Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
The Shower Has been Upgraded  from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)  (2011/3/16 7:57) 
Geeks Shower Hydropowered Fun for Bathroom Ethics and Internet Physics http://www.shower.geek.nz Did you know that one of the law of physics is that"Every Action has an oppersite and equal reaction!" what this means is with the internet it physically reproduces sometime in a minor way and sometimes in a major way with the world around us. This is appliable with chaos theorm. This is caused by a complex array of humanology physics such as character recognition and domain abstractions. This is the geeks shower, if you want to target someone in the shower then just upload their image or place a comment in the forum about the individual, it will reproduce itself in the water courses around them. The Geeks Shower started as a fun exciting exploration of the physics of the bathroom and the internet. You can sign up a username today for all the power of the geeks in the shower . Including weapons manufactures and appliable for any species that showers or baths. We h ...
Ozelegitimci.Net with XOOPS (thanks to XOOPS)  from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)  (2011/3/16 7:20) 
Hello xoops lovers .. I installed a site for students with developmental disabilities and their families. There might be still some bugs, so I would like you to evaluate it and provide me with feedback Thank you. http://www.ozelegitimci.net/index.php

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