XDGallery: Free Themes for Xoops
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/3/14 17:55)
Based on the theme of the core Xoops Zetagenesis, it displays three columns, one of which right has a width of 250 pixels and the other to the left of 250. This template is an adaptation of a PSD of PSDbox This theme is functional for versions of Xoops 2.4.5 and more Download the theme from this LINK
New XOOPS website from Brazil - Zion Softworks
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/3/10 16:54)
Hello I'm glad to share with the community a new website powered by XOOPS. http://zionsoftworks.com.br The modules are as usual: - News 1.66 - Mastop Publish 1.1 - Liaise 1.27 - Latest News 0.72 Hope you like it!
FREE Xoops Theme Sd-081-NormalyBlue
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/3/9 21:44)
Sinnedesign is happy to present the new FREE XOOPS Theme with the name Sd-081-NormalyBlue . The Free XOOPS - Theme is Sponsored by the dsl speedtest . - Thanks! Here can you find the XOOPS 2.4 Theme Demo - XOOPS 2.5 Theme Demo . And here is the FREE - Download Xoops Theme Sd-081-NormalyBlue . And here is the direct Download - Link (without registration) Have Fun with the FREE XOOPS Theme!
ExtGallery 1.09 (RC2)
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/3/9 5:20)
Thanks to everybody who took the time to test RC1 and reported bugs! Several of the bugs have been now fixed, and the RC2 is now ready for testing. Please check changelog.txt to see all changes. Download: You can download the RC2 version from here If you could test RC2 this week, I would very much appreciate it, so it could be release next week, if there are no bugs
Rounded theme for XOOPS (commercial)
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/3/8 6:40)
In Red Mexico we have created a new theme for XOOPS. This is a premium quality item developed using as a base XThemes and Common Utilities . This new theme has so far unique features that differentiate it from other existing themes to allow better use of the capabilities of XOOPS and modules installed. Among the most outstanding features are: 3 different color schemes Settings and Control panel Awesome Home page Integration with AddThis Integration with Analytics Using Twitter and Flickr on the home page Spotlight fully customizable. This theme use several modules to function properly: Common Utilities XThemes MyWords QuickPages contactme! Professional Works You can find more details about Rounded and purchase on the microsite we created for it. Link: Rounded Microsite
XThemes and module updates from Red México
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/3/8 5:10)
We are pleased to announce the availability of XThemes. The module has been released and is ready for download from our website . XThemes is a manager for XOOPS themes and a set of tools that allows the creation of themes more rich in functionality and better integrated with XOOPS and modules. Due to the inherent characteristics of XOOPS and Smarty, XThemes allows new themes for greater interactivity and makes it possible to get more professional and modern appearance. You can visit the microsite XThemes by clicking here . Other XOOPS Modules Also other modules have been updated from Red Mexico: Common Utilities MyWords QuickPages Professional Works And a very simple new module has been added to the family: ContactMe! Still plans to release new modules and enhancements to existing ones. Links: XThemes Microsite QuickPages Microsite ContactMe! Microsite Common Utilities MyWords Professional Works
XDHeaven: free theme for Xoops
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/3/8 1:38)
I am pleased to introduce a new theme called XDHeaven. Based on the template Zetagenesis, it displays three columns including one with a width of 300px (right) and one of 196 px (left). This theme was adapted from the template CSS Heaven used on xoops 2.4.5 and more Download : here
Genobio 1.16
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/3/7 21:00)
GenoBio 1.16 Family, Parents, Siblings Profiler Genobio is a Geno-logical Profiler with Wiki Type Properties. It offers the ability to propagate information on a genological profile like a family or company base. It can also be cloned to a Personnel Profiler. With Sibling and Parental Nodes, including photos and profiles, GenoBio can also be used for corporate profiles as well, but ideally suited to displaying family trees and family data. This is the last stable release so far. Please test and offer comments and bug tickets on the mantis bug tracker. Bugs Fixed: Editors not working Editors sizes not working Download now: xoops2.5_genobio_1.16.zip (227Kb) Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
XCenter 2.15 - Advanced Multilingual Content Module
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/3/7 20:50)
X-Center 2.15 Multilingual Tagged Content Pages X-Center is a content module for XOOPS 2.4 and later, it uses the latest techniques to hone easy to present content on a standard page. it has an Inheritable block and all the accessories for Tag and other features. It also supports X-Language and multilingual pages with the same ID. With this powerful module you can easily make content with any xoops site with version 2.4 or later. This is the only and must have for content with XOOPS. There is no need to upgrade from 2.07 to this version unless you are having language storage issues. Fixes Include: RSS Feeds Blocks XOOPS 3.0 Compatibility UNICODE Storage (Undone) Templating Issues RSS Bug in category adding. Upgrade not firing producing garbage output. Some of the features include: Multilingual support of X-Language Support Tag 2.3+ Inheritable block SEO Clean URL PDF Support RSS Feeds Optional Secure JSON Forms Optional Sitemap Module Plugin Optiona ...
Sticky Smarty Objects 1.08
from XOOPS CMS (Content Management System)
(2011/3/7 17:10)
Sticky Smart Objects 1.08 Sticky Smarty Objects is a module which offers a playlist of items for replacement of specified smarty tags. You can specify smarty tags which are replaced with the objectivity type for the smarty variable name specified. You can shuffle or display based on an IP in sequence. There are two options the playlist which has a width and height for generic positioning as well as the smarty variable name. you can specify many different object types including: open, flash, youtube (Only specify one), images and images with a link. Download: xoops2.5_sticky_1.08.zip - 41Kb