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Against botnet system like Gumblar (2009/11/18 3:46)
http://www.viruslist.com/en/weblog?discuss=208187897&return=1A notify system for such worms via FTP has just been implemented in Protector-3.50. It checks mtime of XOOPS_ROOT_PATH and mtime/inode of XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/index.php It works like a noisemaker in banks. Though it cannot protect any manipulation of your site, you can avoid to scattering such wormsfrom your site by the notifying mail. Of course, the first priority must be"Keeping the client secure from such worm".And it might be better"Watching sites by each other"than"Watching a site by myself"if we implement an observing system for servers.
Protector 3.4 (2009/9/17 13:18)
Now I've never heard bad side effects about DBLayer-Trapped-Anti-SQL-Injection.Thus, I've numbered 3.4 for Protector as STABLE version.And the module name has been changed from"Xoops Protector"into"Pr ...
How to fight SPAMs by hands (2009/8/29 4:38)
Some SPAMs were posted into this site."how can I get a newer version?"or"this is useful!"It looks not a SPAM just a grance.Judging by access.log, such posts must be made by not machine but human. sigh ...
Gigamaster come over Japan (2009/4/25 5:38)
I met gigamaster yesterday, in Hotel New Otani of Tokyo. He looks great. a nice guy, indeed. Because of my poor skills of English conversations, we could not communicate each other enough. But I fee ...
Gigamaster come over Japan (2009/4/25 5:38)
I met gigamaster yesterday, in Hotel New Otani of Tokyo. He looks great. a nice guy, indeed. Because of my poor skills of English conversations, we could not communicate each other enough. But I fee ...
All modules are PAY modules now (2009/4/1 15:44)
Because ofsubprime loan crisis, I cannot distribute my modules free.When you click the icon for downloading, the item will be added into the cart system. You have to pay by PERIKA. I never accept yen ...
XSS in piCal-0.91h (2009/2/23 4:40)
a XSS is found in piCal-0.91h You'd better to select just ONE of these actions(1) update piCal into the latest version= 0.92- recommend for site owners using piCal as is(2) overwrite just piCal/index ...
XSS in piCal-0.91h (2009/2/23 4:40)
a XSS is found in piCal-0.91h You'd better to select just ONE of these actions(1) update piCal into the latest version> = 0.92- recommend for site owners using piCal as is(2) overwrite just piCal/ind ...
Big Umbrella Anti-SQL-Injection (4) (2009/1/23 5:47)
The DBLayer Trapping anti-SQL-Injection of Protector-3.30 with XOOPS2 raises aSQL Injectionalert at updating preferences including doublequatation().This wrong detection is caused by the wrong way to ...
Big Umbrella Anti-SQL-Injection (4) (2009/1/23 5:47)
The DBLayer Trapping anti-SQL-Injection of Protector-3.30 with XOOPS2 raises a"SQL Injection"alert at updating preferences including doublequatation(").This wrong detection is caused by the wrong way ...

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