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Last Update 2024/5/10 10:01
Diclofenac Side Effects and law suits
(2012/12/12 15:59)
Side effects All the medicines have some sort of side effects and it?s always advisable to check with your physician regarding the common side effects of Diclofenac. The usual side effects are gastric irritation, vomiting, headache, indigestion etc. Go for the advice of a physician at the earliest when you develop any of the above mentioned problems while using Diclofenac. Rigorous allergic reactions can occur when you are on Diclofenac therapy, to name a few are, skin rashes, breathing problems, inflammation of tongue or lips, bleeding, ulcer, change in the discharge of urine, stomach ache, bleeding after menopause, excess weight, dizziness, fatigue etc. This is just an incomplete list of side effects the above mentioned are a few symptoms which are quite common. If you apprehensive you can always seek the advice of a medical expert.FDA also provide answers related to Diclofenac problems. Inhibitors in Diclofenac act on the entire body system which m ...
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