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Breaking the invisible walls
It is difficult to systematize the expanding scientific knowledge, mainly because there are invisible walls between different research fields. For one reason, human network of researchers are organized according to the affiliated departments and participating research societies. Therefore, it is difficult to get to know young researchers with each other academically, even if their topics or methods are similar. For another reason, knowledge structure and vocabularies of each domain are different, which make the relationship between each research domains unclear. These two reasons have synergetic effect. In order to make clear picture of human science for understanding human, it is important to facilitate interaction among human science researchers of different domains.
The objectives of this project is to embody research community and knowledge base towards human science integration, through encouraging interaction among students, researchers, faculties of different departments and graduate schools related to human science by the seminars. The organizers are trying to break the invisible wall between laboratories, departments, graduate schools, and research societies. The project proposes novel style of interdisciplinary research and education in the universities where integration of different disciplines are required in order to gain whole image of contemporary science. The method is put in practice in the University of Tokyo as a role model for the universities world wide.
Milestones and Timeframes
Milestones are the coverage of presenters’ and participants’ disciplines. The project focuses on but not limits to neural, brain, cognitive, behavioral, leaning sciences and social intelligence studies. The project was started in April 2005 and has been held for 13 times and 16 people presented by December 2005. People from six graduate schools in the university including school of science, engineering, information science and technology, pharmacology, medicine, education, arts and science make presentations by January 2006. By the end of 2006, the seminars will be presented by the members of every graduate schools related to human science in the university.
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