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Seminars are ubiquitous for university research and education, which are often held within the laboratories or departments. Web-based contents management systems are widely used for developing community site, but are not used for networking researchers and developing knowledge base of interdisciplinary studies. Combining seminars and web-based contents management systems, we propose and practice novel way of interdisciplinary research and education, which is to hold exploratory seminars presented by students, researchers, and faculties with diverse departments and graduate schools.
Supported user processes are:
  1. Arrangements between the organizers and presenters
  2. Announcement of the seminar to the registrants
  3. Attracting registrants’ attention to the series of seminars
  4. Continuous development of knowledge base
  5. Embodiment of interdisciplinary research community
How other people can use are as follows.
On the implemented community site, the organizers of the project provide the protocol for organizing the seminars. Finding the speakers whose disciplines are far from the organizers is very important for making the seminars successful. Therefore, social networking method, which is asking for the speaker to find the next speaker, is effective. This community site provides instruction of this exploratory seminar at 'About -> Protocol' section. The method for developing the community site for use with the seminar is also available on this site at 'About -> Development' section.
Where: The method is applicable to the universities which have diverse departments and graduate schools. Faculties or even students who are willing to form interdisciplinary research community can practice the method.
How: The rewards for the presenters are preferable but not necessary. Therefore, people who are interested in are able to start the project without budget. However, from the viewpoint of motivation and responsibility, $100 to $150 for each speaker is preferable, especially for graduate students. Organizers ask the presenter to prepare original handout and presentation materials for the seminar. The owner of the project has to prepare $1000 to $1500 per year if they hold ten seminars in a year. Development cost of community site is free because the system is based on open source software. Computer skill for the development of the community site is necessary for organizers if they do by themselves. Additional cost for the development is needed, if the owners do not develop the community site by themselves.
Community:Through the project, infrastructure for integrative research will emerge, which is the human network of human scientists of diverse disciplines including, but not limited to: science, engineering, information science and technology, pharmacology, medicine, education, arts and science.
Collaboration:The collaboration among participants would be realized. The proposal based workshop based on the community site technology has already been delivered by the owner whose goal is to combine information technology of different specialties, parallel computing and recognition methods. The site is also on the web (http://www.ws100h.net/uticoe/), which is in Japanese. Such collaboration is one of the prospective outcomes of this project.
Knowledge base:The accumulated summaries of each seminar will form introductory knowledge base of human science. The archives of the seminars are useful for freshmen who would like to overview the human science research, and decide their majors. Hopefully, this online knowledge base leads to formal textbook which cover the various aspects of human science.
Recently, importance of access to scientific knowledge has been recognized (Science310 (5747, 21 October): 405). The project provides innovative methods and models for providing open availability on a sustainable basis and facilitating reuse of publicly-funded scientific information. This is one of the goals of the Global Information Commons for Science, which was proposed in the World Summit on the Information Society in 2005 (http://www.codata.org).
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