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Initial Setup: Step 1 Download and install CMS software and its modules
Among variety of Contents Management System (CMS), we selected XOOPS for its usability and simplicity of administration. XOOPS is always updated. Therefore, we provide links to the website so that the user can download the recent software.

- XOOPS Website

Contributed modules for XOOPS are also available. We are using the following modules.

- TinyD, Event Guide module, weblinks : xoops link module
Initial Setup: Step 2 Select and activate the modules
If you are logged in as a webmaster, the link to the administration menu is on the user menu of top page. Follow the links to administration menu -> Modules -> Administration. Then, activate the modules, rename them and set ‘weight’ for each. The links to the modules will appear in ascending order in the main menu. Screen image of the module administration page is shown in Figure 1. Correspondence between the modules, link names, and weights are listed on Table 1.

Screen image of the module administration page
Figure 1: Screen image of the module administration page

Table 1: Correspondence between the modules, link names, and weights
link name modules weight
About TinyD 1
Record TinyD 2
News News 3
Events event guide 4
Album my album 5
Links web links 6
Contact liaise 7
Initial Setup: Step 3 Search and customize theme for your site
You can customize the header image, fonts and background colors by editing theme files. Developers can download and extract the theme directory including several files in the following directory.

Now, the initial setup for running the site for the seminar project is done. Let’s move on to the ‘Updating’ steps.
Updating: Step 1 Register events
Once the date, place and speaker are fixed, organizer can register the seminar on the ‘Event’ module. Follow the links to administration menu -> Event -> Register Event. The organizer can edit and add the event information when the titles, keywords, abstract and references are available. Screen image of the event registration page is shown in Figure 2. We show one of the pages of registered event.

Screen image of the event administration page
Figure 2: Screen image of the event registration page

- 2005-12-13: Human SCINT Seminar (13) - 2
Updating: Step 2 Register links
Add links related to the presenters and participants to the ‘Link’ module.
Follow the links to administration menu -> Link -> Register Link. We show one of the pages of registered link.

- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Updating: Step 3 Register photos
During the seminar, the organizers take photos of the seminar. After that, these photos are registered on the ‘Album’ module. Follow the links to Main menu -> Album -> Register Photo. We show one of the pages of photo album.

- Human SCINT Seminar (13) - 2
Updating: Step 4 Summarize the seminar on record page
Now that all materials are available on the web, the organizers sum up the seminar on the ‘Record’ page. It can simply be done by adding blocks on the ‘Block’ module. Follow the links to administration menu -> Block -> Add. We show one of the pages of record.

- Record 2005

Every time the seminar is held, the organizers go through Updating: Step 1 to Step 4. In this way, the knowledge of researches and researchers with various specialty and background are accumulated on the website. The organizers can build their own knowledge base and publish on the web. We can share the knowledge with people who missed or could not attend the seminars.
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