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Fundamental information
The Human Science Integration Seminar Project challenges Stockholm Challenge 2006. The fundamental information for the entry is as follows.
1. Category
2. Project name
Human Science Integration Seminar
3. Web site's URL(this page)
Corresponding items for the entry are: Home (7. Description, 8. Summary); About -> Motivation (9. Vision), Member (11. Target groups, 13. Project organization), Protocol (10. Applications, 15. Economical issues), Development (10. Applications, 19. Transferability), Applications (10. Applications, 19. Transferability, 20. Future); Records -> Impact (18. Impact).

The following is the supplementary information on the Human Science Integration Seminar project, which is a summary of this website.

Breaking the invisible walls
It is difficult to systematize the expanding scientific knowledge, mainly because there are invisible walls between different research fields. For one reason, human network of researchers are organized according to the affiliated departments and participating research societies. Therefore, it is difficult to get to know young researchers with each other academically, even if their topics or methods are similar. For another reason, knowledge structure and vocabularies of each domain are different, which make the relationship between each research domains unclear. These two reasons have synergetic effect. In order to make clear picture of human science for understanding human, it is important to facilitate interaction among human science researchers of different domains.
Science Integration Program - Human
The Science Integration Program was established in April 2005 under the direction of University of Tokyo President Hiroshi Komiyama. The Science Integration Program - Human, started as the first activity in the overall program, will target integration of knowledge within the field of life science relating in particular to scientific knowledge of the human organism from genome to organism level phenomena.
2005-09-21: Human SCINT Seminar (10) & Human SCINT Party (1)
Human SCINT Seminar (10)Date: 2005.9.21 (Wed) 15:30-17:45
Place: General Research Building, Room 630
Time: 15:30-16:30
Speaker: Shigetoshi Kawahara
Title: Classical eyeblink conditioning and its application to the age-related deseases in the brain.
Keywords: mice, classical conditioning, aging, cerebellum, hippocampus
Affiliation: Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Time: 16:45-17:45
Speaker: Jun Suzurikawa
Title: The plasticity in brain and reorganization of the neural network with it
Keywords: plasticity, microstimulation, self-organization, auditory cortex, visual cortex
Affiliation: Department of Engineering Synthesis, Graduate School of Engineering

Date: 2005.9.21 (Wed) 18:30-20:30
Place: Okinawa Restaurant, Kadenasu (Kashiwa Station)
2005-06-29: Human SCINT Seminar (7)
Human SCINT Seminar (7)Date: 2005.6.29 (Wed) 13:00-14:15
Place: General Research Building, Room 663
Speaker: Hideki Kadone
Title: Dynamical Systems Approach to Embodied Symbol Emergence
Keywords: Dynamical Systems Approach to Embodied Symbol Emergence
Affiliation: Department of Mechano-Informatics,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
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Copyright (C) 2005-6, Human Science Integration Program - Humans. All right reserved.